Alcapizazz Side

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Veneer POV:

Ven: "To preface this, I want to come clean and have everyone hear it from me directly that I... am addicted to ring pops. It's a serious issue that I'm not proud of, yet will be important to keep in mind later in my story."

The group nods at me, looking sad.

Ven: "Ok, so, when Velv and I were in the dressing room back at "The Boom Box," Floyd, our troll, invited his brothers in Brozone, as well as Queen Poppy, to help us fight against Dom. Crimp, our assistant, made us shoulder pads that allowed us to carry the trolls around on our person while we performed."

Velv: "The trolls were willing to help us, so we saw no problem using their magic."

Ven: "We drove up to the Rage Dome, and everything was going great."

Velv: "Poppy, Branch, and Crimp then confronted us on the stairs and accused us of stealing the troll's talent."

Ven: "That's when Velv and I knew something was wrong, because the Brozone trolls we had with us were on our side. We... didn't want to address the criticisms live, in front of the camera stars, so we fled."

Velv: "I thought that if we gave a good show, it would overshadow the accusations."

Ven: "Well, we did the show on the road, and it honestly went well. We ended the show on a yacht, and I exposed our secret, because I realized I needed to."

Velv: "As Ven was talking, Dom emerged from Whipped Cherry Ravine and had the trolls start singing a Siren song. He had us arrested and thrown into a dark storage room inside the yacht."

Ven: "I was knocked out and hit my head hard."

Velv: "While he was out, something heavy fell on my leg and crushed it. I had tried to remove it, but it was so heavy and hurt so badly to attempt to move that it..."

She stops, shaking her head.

Ven: "Velv managed to wake me up, and I realized my nose was broken. I... healed it, then healed Velv's leg. It just... was an awful experience."

Velv: "Then, we were separated, and I was thrown into a cell across from Midori. She and I spent our time together, and she truly changed my life by showing me unwavering optimism and made very kind and brave sacrifices on my behalf."

Ven: "I was in a floor with Carlos. He made me feel a lot better that I had someone I knew that I could talk to and withstand prison with."

Velv: "Alcapizazz was really gross."

Ven: "Oh girl, I know."

Velv: "The supposed food."

Ven: "Freezing showers."

Velv: "Ugh, don't even."

Ven: "Aside from the gross conditions, some... really bad things happened. I had been in my cell, talking to Carlos when... Dom came in. He... um."

I have to stop myself from crying as I remember his cold grip on me.

Ven: "Well... Dom got... mad. He... choked me out and rebroke my nose. He put some spell over me so that I couldn't move and so that he could read my mind. It really tripped me out. He choked me so hard I... thought I was dying. I passed out and heard Carlos screaming for me before I was fully gone."

Kid Ritz gasps, sounding very upset. I can't linger on what happened for to long, or I'll cry.

Ven: "In my dream, which I've had a few times before, I was in a snowy, silent world. I got up, walked around, and saw statues of Cade, Dixie, and Gloria. They were made out of snow, and I'm guessing they were in my dream as a sign of who was already frozen in the Rage Dome. I woke up to Dom, and he told me... he killed all of you. I started crying really hard over losing you all, and he told me I had nothing ti keep going for but him. He made me say out loud that I was defeated, and... I gave up and very stupidly believed him."

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