Sleepover Gossip

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Rollie POV:

I enter the bathroom, turning on the shower before going to my closet to get a change of clothes for the both of us. Fred sits on the vanity, his legs so long they nearly touch the floor. He swings his legs, giving me an encouraging look as I put my folded clothes next to him. 

Rollie: "Ok, well, I guess you can close your eyes now."

Fred: "Ok."

He closes his eyes before putting his hand over them. I trust that they're really close as I pull off my swimsuit, hanging it on the towel rack. I enter the shower, closing the curtain before speaking.

Rollie: "You're good."

Fred: "K. This is kinda fun."

Rollie: "Really?"

Fred: "Yeah. Feels like a sleepover, and we're here to gossip."

I laugh quietly, a little shocked at the statement.

Fred: "What."

Rollie: "I... I don't know. I've never had a real sleepover. I've always been busy working on being a better performer. Plus, before the Rage Dome Riot, I... never had real friends to do sleepovers with."

Fred: "Well, we've kind of been having sleepovers since this all started. Except most of it hasn't been fun, which normally happens in a sleepover. I also don't really have sleepover experience; I normally crash at Orchid's or Kid Ritz's room, but it's nothing ever crazy."

Rollie: "What would we even gossip about?"

Fred: "I don't know... how gross Dom is?"

I laugh as I pour body wash onto a rag, not believing the conversation we're having.

Rollie: "Ok, sure. He's gross, scary, mean, and not even that good of a performer. When it comes down to it, Phat Sammy and Jaye have more talent than any of the Sage Boyz combined."

As I think about Sammy and Jaye, my curiosity piques.

Rollie: "You know, I wonder where Sammy and Jaye have been. They were close to the Sage Boyz, and I haven't seen or heard from them."

Fred: "Maybe they became monsters like Brandon and Johnny?"

Rollie: "Maybe. I don't know; I feel like Dom would go after Sammy if he wanted to. Brandon's gone, and he couldn't fight back from becoming a monster and meeting his fate. Dom let his brothers mutate and suffer before dying; I don't see why he wouldn't target Brandon's boyfriend."

Fred: "Why would Dom go after Sammy?"

Rollie: "I told Velvet and Veneer this when I first had them over for dinner, but Sammy uses trolls, just as they had been doing with Floyd. It's the only reason he was good enough to maintain star power amongst talents like, well..."

Fred: "Yourself?"

Rollie: "I didn't want to say it like that, but yes."

Fred: "I can see Dom getting desperate to go after Sammy. Honestly, I don't think anyone is safe with him in power, regardless of whether you have trolls."

Rollie: "I don't know what to think when this is all over. I can't see myself having a career or solid job."

Fred: "How come?"

Rollie: "Do you think there will be a demand for celebrities after a situation like this? I don't."

Fred stays quiet as I continue bathing, nearly done once he speaks again.

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