Out Of My Body

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Fred POV:

I stare at the closed curtain, seeing someone standing behind it. It doesn't look like Veneer... I know it's not, as I can see his hand poking behind the curtain, draped limply across the edge rim of the tub.

Rollie: "Who's there!"

I put my arm before Rollie, not wanting him to get close. Rollie holds on, his hands shaking as we move closer. The Rageon behind the shower curtain doesn't move; it's really trying to freak us out.

Rollie: "Get out! This is my apartment, and you're not welcome here!"

His voice comes out deep, surprising me with the difference from his usual, smooth tenor. The Rageon doesn't move, making me angry.

Fred: "Move, or I'll stab you."

I point the knife at the curtain, holding it ready. Again, no movement. As much as I want to, it'd be so easy for me to stab Ven accidentally, so I withhold myself from plunging the knife into the shower curtain.

3... 2... 1...

I rip open the shower curtain, gasping as not only is there not someone standing where we just saw an outline of a Rageon, but Ven passed out in the tub. He's bleeding a thin line of black blood from his nose, it trailing down his neck and chest.

On the wall, scribbled with again what looks like handprints, are the words "g a m e  o v e r". Rollie and I gently pick him up, carrying him to the bed. Kid Ritz gasps as he sees Ven, hurrying to wet a towel for his nosebleed.

I grab another towel, laying it on the bed before Rollie sets Ven completely down, as he's still wet from the pool. Kid Ritz sprints over, dabbing at the blood with a shaky hand. Rollie chokes back a sob, walking away from the bed and toward the corner of the room by the door.

Rollie: "I... can't keep doing this."

I look at him, alarmed, as he cowers away from Ven's body.

Fred: "Rollie..."

He doesn't look at me, his shoulders moving up and down. He's crying. 

I walk up to him, not touching him until he's ready. He turns, wrapping his arms around my waist as he cries. I can feel his tears on my bare chest, a very upsetting feeling.

I hold him tight, looking at Kid Ritz repeatedly dabbing at the continuous, slow-moving nosebleed. Everything feels overwhelmingly too much; this was supposed to be fun and relaxing, and we can't even have that.

I feel very, very angry, yet I push it down, focusing on holding Rollie. Eventually, he stops crying, yet he looks incredibly worn out. We all are; as much as none of us want to admit it, we can't keep going on like this. Ven's right; it will kill us eventually. We are, after all, just teens and young adults; our brains, or bodies, shouldn't be withstanding all that we are.

I ,especially, won't be able to keep up if I continue down a path of drinking. Neither will Ven, with how strong those ring pops are, let alone if he uses Dom's. I wish we didn't rely so heavily on crutches to get by; it's just another stress factor on top of this disaster.

I take a deep breath, kissing Rollie's forehead softly. Kid Ritz clears his throat, sounding hoarse.

Kid Ritz: "I... I don't know what else to do. His nose won't stop bleeding."

Rollie takes a breath as he picks his head up to look at Ven.

Rollie: "He needs to lean forward, and have someone pinch his nose for at least five minutes."

Fred: "I mean, we can do that, right?"

Kid Ritz looks from Ven to us nervously, biting his thumb before he speaks.

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