Backseat Highs

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Velvet POV:

Ven and I leave the museum, neither of us talking. I try not to show my anxiety as we walk through the streets, feeling very on edge. We turn a corner, Ven putting his hand out in front of me. 

I'm confused at first, until I see why he stopped us. I nearly pass out, my legs weakening as I see who's on the road.

The girl I hit stands with her back turned toward us, not doing anything. She's still dressed in my orange jumpsuit, yet there are weird, black stains all over the side of it. Looking at her head, I see where I smashed her into the dumpster. More of the black substance covers the side of her head where she was hit, which concerns me greatly.

At least she's up, but shit... she looks rough. Ven eyes me, his eyes wide.

Velv: *What do we do?*

I mouth at him, freaked out. Ven looks at me, then back at the girl.

Ven: *Stay quiet.*

He grips his spear tightly, approaching the girl silently. I follow after him, noticing a foul stench that seems to be coming from... the girl? The closer we get, the worse the smell is. 

Fuck, that's rancid!

Did she get, like, garbage juice on her? Now that we're closer, I see something small and black wiggle past her feet. EW! Is that a worm?

I audibly gasp as I see a worm fall from her head, the noise getting her to turn around. I'm shocked so severely by the sight before me that I fall to the ground.

The girl's eyes are completely black, along with tiny black veins all over her. What the fuck happened to her!

She smiles, her mouth full of the black liquid that's all over her. She laughs, the sound scaring the fuck out of me as it sounds horrifying; how is she laughing with two voices?

She jerks toward Veneer, lunging at him with that terrifying smile. It happens in a flash, the sound of the spear ripping through her skin.

She stops moving, her face falling in shock. She looks head-on at Veneer, slowly falling forward on the spear. Her head hangs low as her body goes completely limp. 

Veneer gasps rapidly, pointing his dagger toward the ground so her body slides off the spear. As her body shifts, the black liquid covers the spear, along with many little black worms spilling out of her.

Veneer shakes the spear, sending their disgusting bodies flying back at the body of the girl. He gags, shaking horribly. I finally find the ability to stand, racing toward him. I grab his hand, dragging him away from the body.

The girl stares ahead, a sickening grin on her face. Veneer and I run hand in hand, tearing through the streets. We run until Veneer has to stop, his breathing sounding awful, most likely due to how often he uses the ring pop.

Ven pants hoarsely, ignoring the worrying sounds his breathing is making. Any Rageon with asthma would know he needs an inhaler, yet frustratingly, we don't have one.

Ven looks around in a panic, running to a car parked on the street. He pulls at the door, frantically trying to get it to open. He moves to another car, doing the same thing. He repeats this process until he finds an open car, tossing his spear on the ground as he climbs in. He motions rapidly for me to follow him, the sound of the passenger side unlocking.

I hurry to the car, barely climbing in before Veneer speeds off. He flies down the road, breathing panickedly. 

Velv: "Veneer! Slow down!"

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