My Special Rageon

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Fred POV:

I let Rollie in, feeling a lot calmer. He also seems to be doing better, yet a look of worry lines his face. From seeing Kid Ritz walk in with Veneer how he did, I think we all look worried regularly.

Fred: "Hey, sorry I walked away. I... just needed some time to think."

Rollie: "Don't be sorry; I want you to have space when needed. Kid Ritz and I had a good talk, and now he's focusing on Veneer."

Fred: "Do you know how he's doing? I was surprised to see him asleep."

Rollie sighs, sitting on the edge of the bed. 

Rollie: "Kid Ritz said his friend Carlos found him."

Fred: "Carlos? I know him; we went to high school together."

Rollie gives me a small smile, yet it fades quickly as he continues.

Rollie: "Well, Carlos and a girl named Midori were locked up in Alcapizazz this whole time with Velvet and Veneer. Carlos and Midori escaped and supposedly found Veneer wandering alone, high as a kite."

Fred: "That's awful. I know... times are hard, but I didn't think he'd use that heavily."

Rollie: "Well, that's where I'm suspicious. I didn't tell Kid Ritz, but I'm worried Veneer may have been harmed through the ring pop. Carlos told Kid Ritz that it was Dom who gave him the ring pop. I'm not sure how much of that I believe."

I think over what he's saying, struggling to understand it.

Fred: "What do you mean?"

Rollie: "In the time the twins got separated from Carlos and Midori, is it really plausible to believe he magically reunited with Velvet and then got so high he couldn't function? And if he had gotten so high, why was he left to fend for himself."

He stops, sounding very upset with what he's even suggesting.

Fred: "So... you're saying... Velvet may have gotten him high... on purpose?"

Rollie sighs, looking at me sadly.

Rollie: "I don't want to assume the worst of her; I really like her. I'm just worried there's foul play here, and Veneer was taken advantage of. I didn't mention my fears to Kid Ritz because there's no surefire way to know what happened until Veneer talks. I... am just worried for my friend."

I walk over to Rollie, looking him over before sitting alongside him. 

Fred: "It's a good thing you care so much about him; I do as well. Honestly, Velvet has done questionable things in the past, I'm sure, so I can see where you're worried. I do think we should try to be positive and think nothing more of what ifs, as I think it'll just upset us more."

Rollie meets my eyes, nodding before sighing heavily.

Fred: "There... actually was something else I'd like to talk to you about."

Rollie's eyes widen slightly, a nervous look crossing his face.

Rollie: "O-ok... what is it?"

I take a deep breath, desperately hoping my voice doesn't come out shaky.

Fred: "Well... I've been thinking... a lot. I... know we've had some really good times together, and even though we've only known each other for a short while, I've... really grown to care about you."

Rollie's eyes widen more, a small smile crossing his lips.

Rollie: "Oh, Fred, I feel the same way!"

Fred: "Really? I'm so glad to hear that. I was afraid I was being too forward."

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