Hot Tub

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*(New Oneshot will be posted after this! :0 I really enjoyed writing it, and I hope you all enjoy it.)*

Fred POV:

Rollie has a massive chef's pantry, which, much to our delight, is filled with non-perishables. Most of what we need, however, is fruit. We'll have to get creative for Jewels, but I'm sure we can figure something out.

Rollie and I leave the pantry feeling a lot better. Finally, some stress is off my shoulders.

Rollie: "Are you still up for the hot tub?"

Fred: "Yes, if you're willing."

Rollie: "I am. If things worsen, I'm worried the water or electricity will be shut off in the city, so I want to take advantage of the resources we have now. I'll go ask Kid Ritz if he wants to join us."

He leaves me in the kitchen, giving me a moment alone. I hurry to my bedroom, hiding my last bottle and my yo-yos in the closet. I need to save it for an emergency, an emotional crutch. I sigh, staring at the brown glass as Rollie knocks on my door.

I close the closet quickly, telling him he can come in.

Rollie: "Kid Ritz is down, so that's fun. You can borrow from these suits, and I'll turn on the water. I know it's not technically legal, per se, for us to drink, but I think we can make an exception. Only if you're down, you can have something, but I know I need a glass."

Fred: "I'd love a drink, and I appreciate the suit."

Rollie: "Anytime. Come out to the conversation pit when you're ready, ok?"

He gives me a small smile, closing the door quietly. Just that small interaction gave me butterflies. I get changed and relaxed as I turn on the TV for background noise. I go to the floor-length window, peering out into the city.

The sky is dark and red, swirling clouds hanging low overhead. I can only imagine Dom has something to do with the weather, but man, is it negative energy just looking at the city?

I look a little longer before deciding to head to the conversation pit. I leave the bedroom and find Kid Ritz exiting his room.

Kid Ritz: "Like the shorts."

Fred: "I could say the same to you."

We smile at each other as we enter the conversation pit, a fire on in the fireplace. Rollie is in the kitchen, presumably getting drinks, as the lights on out back illuminate a beautiful hot tub.

Rollie: "You two can get in; I'll be right there."

Kid Ritz and I head outside, noticing the chilly air. We climb into the hot water, the bubbles of the jets tickling my skin.

We sink, relishing the hot water on our sore and tired bodies. 

Kid Ritz: "Veneer would love this."

I open my eyes, seeing his still closed. Poor dude; his boyfriend is never off his mind. I can't blame him; if Rol- my boyfriend, were missing in such a dangerous time, I'd be constantly worried.

Fred: "We're going to find him, ok? Starting tomorrow, Rollie and I will go on a supply run and keep an eye out for the twins. You and I will go out if we don't find them."

Kid Ritz: "Ok. Thank you."

Kid Ritz POV:

Fred smiles at me as Rollie walks out. I see Fred's eyes widen as he sits up. I want to smirk, but I restrain myself. I can't lie. Rollie looks terrific in a swimsuit; he has a defined v-line that, I don't know, you wouldn't expect him to have. 

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