Coping And Reason

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Rollie POV:

I watch as Fred drags Carlos into the bed of his truck, not stopping at the pain he must be feeling in his arm.

I climb into the passenger seat, feeling nervous he even wants to go through with this. Fred finally gets Carlos strapped down, climbing into the driver's seat tiredly.

Fred: "He's strong, that kid."

I nod, not really feeling good to say much of anything. Fred pulls out, driving toward his shop. I stay quiet, confused and worried we didn't tell Kid Ritz or Veneer what we'd be doing.

Fred: "You look nervous, love."

I don't say anything, really starting to feel sick.

Fred: "Talk to me. What's up?"

Rollie: "I'm scared."

Fred: "About Carlos? I think we're doing the right thing. We're just going to keep him in my bedroom with the door closed."

Rollie: "And leave him there?"

Fred: "Well, when Midori brought it up to me, it seemed logical."

Rollie: "Yeah, I guess."

Fred sighs, pulling over on the road.

Fred: "You're very upset. I thought you were in agreement with this whole thing."

Rollie: "I think we should have told Kid Ritz and Veneer."

Fred: "Well, I guess you're right. I was riding on Midori telling them, and us be back before they'd wake up. Maybe I should have planned it better."

I don't say anything, a burning feeling in my stomach prompting me to keep both my eyes and mouth shut.

We continue to drive in silence until we get to the shop, Fred climbing out slowly. He approaches Carlos cautiously, getting me to exit the truck after him.

Just as we're about to move Carlos, a speeding car slams in its brakes a few feet away from us, Kid Ritz and Veneer racing out.

Kid Ritz: "Dude! Wait!"

He runs up to Fred, Ven following behind him breathlessly.

Kid Ritz: "What... are you doing!"

Fred: "Woah! You guys got here quick!"

Kid Ritz shakes his head, looking at Carlos with panic and stress.

Kid Ritz: "Midori told us you're locking him up in the shop?"

Fred: "Well, she suggested it to us, and at the time, I thought it'd be a smart idea. I was planning on keeping him in the bedroom; that way, I could lock the door and the shop around him."

Ven and Kid Ritz look at me, both dumbfounded.

Kid Ritz: "And you went along with it?"

Rollie: "I-I... I thought it was smart, but then I felt sick about it. Something feels off."

Kid Ritz: "What's off is you guys didn't consult with us. The girls weren't quick to tell us either! We care about you two, and your safety, and driving off with a mutated Rageon isn't going to help us keep each other safe."

Fred hangs his head low, looking at the squirming Carlos in his truck bed.

Fred: "Dude... you're so right. I... can't explain it, but I felt so compelled to do it."

Rollie: "I get what he's saying. It was like a voice was coercing me internally to help him; otherwise, the rational side of me would have done things differently."

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