Prison Ponders

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Veneer POV:

My back starts to hurt from how uncomfortable the bed is, so I get up and pace around my cell nervously. I've probably only been in here an hour, but I haven't heard a single other soul. That's weird, since this is a notoriously scary prison filled with the wildest criminals you could imagine.

I pace around until I decide to look out the window. Even though I'm incredibly scared to be alone in Alcapizazz... the smallest part of me feels... happy I'm locked away.

It's like an excuse to forget everything that's happened... to not be responsible for anything at all. It's not a good way of thinking, but it is nice to just... disappear.

However, how long it will stay nice is to be determined, depending on how long I'm locked up here. I stare through the window's bars, enjoying the breeze that wafts through. It makes a rustling noise, very calming and serene when looking out at the Whipped Cherry Lake.

I watch, finally feeling at peace with myself. This, honestly, would be great if I weren't energized... and if Kid Ritz was here.

I let my eyes close, listening to the waves of the lake until...


I open my eyes, looking around the cell curiously. I thought I heard something...

I listen intently, yet all I hear is the previous sounds of the lake and wind. It was probably the building shifting; it is pretty old. I go back to daydreaming, my mind wandering.

It's kind of sad the place I've found peace with and in myself is the scariest prison known to Mount Rageous history, but hey, at least I'm at pea-


Ven: *:0*

Um... ok, dude, what the flip.


I whip my head around, my inner dialogue stopping as I hear that scratching noise again. I search the cell, looking for any little bug or critter that could be making that noise.

I turn up nothing in my search... yet I'm pretty sure I heard the noise, like, three times. I give up and sit on my bed as I start to feel a little cuckoo.

Ok... well, maybe I'm starting to lose it. Leave it to me to have only been here an hour and am already going insane.


The scratching noise happens again, this time continuing instead of stopping periodically. It becomes louder, sounding like its coming from further down the hall.

I go to the bars locking me in, doing my best to peer down the hall. It's almost pitch black, it's so dark down there... yet there's clearly something happening.

I hold on to the bars as I rest my forehead on the cool iron. From what I can see, the rest of the cells around me are empty.

Though, it seems like the scratching noises may not be from an animal... but rather, a Rageon.

They come in a bit of a sequence of beats and rhythms, almost melodic. I listen to the scratches, my brain playing around with the different songs it could be.

I let my eyes close, listening for a while until I realize how long I've been standing here, just listening. I debate between myself if I should ask who's there. For all I know, it could be a warden or security guard. 

Or worse, a killing-machine Rageon ready to strangle me silly. I can't make up my mind; I'm too scared. I move away from the bars, sitting back on the bed with my head in my hands.

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