A Wisp To Wake

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Veneer POV:

I stare at Fred's hands, meeting his eyes worriedly.

Ven: "I'm sorry."

Fred nods, not saying anything. Rollie looks at me sadly, the energy in the room low. I walk over and sit in the conversation pit across from them.

Ven: "I... woke up a few minutes ago. I didn't hear anything, so I'd thought I'd come out here."

Fred: "Rollie was just going to bandage my hands."

I nod, looking at my own. I washed them, yet they look like there are cinders and ashes across them.

Ven: "I... could try healing you."

Fred gives me a worried look, seeming apprehensive.

Rollie: "I mean... it's worked in the past. The worst that happens is that it doesn't work, and he could stop."

Fred nods, eyeing my hands. 

Ven: "What I'm worried about is the pain level. When I healed my nose, it hurt super bad. And when I cuaterized Velv's leg, it was excruciating. I could give you one of my ring pops; it might not make it as bad. Because what I'm thinking will happen is your skin will regrow and heal, but you'll feel it the whole time it happens."

Fred takes a deep breath, closing his eyes for a minute.

Fred: "If I could have a drink, and yeah, the ring pop, I think I can do it."

Rollie and I nod, getting to work quickly. I let him choose from the ring pops, giving him the cherry. Rollie fixes him something that smells strong, Fred grimacing as he drinks it with Rollie's help.

After using the ring pop for a while, I can tell from his hooded eyes that he's pretty high.

Ven: "How are you feeling?"

Fred: "Slow..."

Rollie: "Think you're ready?"

He nods, looking at me before closing his eyes.

Rollie puts his hand on Fred's shoulder, looking at me worriedly. I take a deep breath, mentally collecting myself to be as serious as possible. I look at Fred's hands, tuning the world out. I stare at the burned skin, imagining his hands returning to normal.

Sizzling starts sounding as his skin slowly grows back. Fred throws his head to the side, shaking, most likely from how bad the pain is.

Fred: "Fuck... hold me."

Rollie puts his arms around him, Fred crying into his shoulder. 

I try to tune them out more, imagining the process going faster. The world swirls around his hands, and darkness threatens to come in.

Ven: "Go... away..."

I blink away the darkness, almost done with the healing. The darkness swirls in closer, and my nose starts to ache.

Ven: "It's... not... real."

I stare with all my might, feeling my eyes glow brightly as, finally, the skin is healed. I'm knocked back as the world comes to me, everything looking normal.

All three of us breathe heavily, Fred more so gasping from the pain. It takes me a second to sit up, feeling exhausted by the energy I put in to make him heal. Fred's crying quiets as he looks at his hands, wiggling his fingers.

Rollie: "You can move them? Oh, Fred."

He kisses Fred's cheek lightly, looking immensely relieved.

Fred: "Thank you so much, V."

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