Reuniting Goodbyes

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Fred POV:

I run to my best friend, enveloping him in a tight hug. I realize immediately how stiff he is, pulling back in shock.

Fred: "No!"

To my surprise, Kid Ritz hugs me back, patting my arms reassuringly.

Kid Ritz: "Hey, hey. I'm ok!"

Fred: "You scared me! You were standing so still, I thought you were frozen!"

I notice Orchid move from behind a frozen Rageon. I hold my arms out for her to come to me. She runs over, hugging me tightly. I can feel how much she's shaking. Poor Orchid, she's probably so scared; I know she hates the dark.

Orchid: "You're ok! Kid Ritz and I pretended to be statues in case you were Johnny."

I pull back from the hug, looking at her curiously.

Fred: "Who's Johnny?"

Even in the darkness, I can see Orchid and Kid Ritz give each other knowing looks.

Kid Ritz: "I'm guessing you haven't seen him?"

Fred: "No, I don't think so. Whoever he is, though, sounds like someone we don't want to run into. I found Rollie Roy, who has got a place to bunker down. I say we go there to be safe, and so we can talk without being exposed."

Kid Ritz: "I'm glad you found Rollie. He's been helping the twins up until tonight, so I feel good about him. We'll follow your lead, dude."

I lead our trio back down to the stage, knock on the door so Rollie hears us, then I check in with him on the walkie talkie. He opens the door and ushers us in quickly before locking it. He and Kid Ritz hug before Rollie greets Orchid.

Kid Ritz: "Jewels!"

The little monkey perks up once she sees Kid Ritz, bouncing out of Gloria's arms and into his. She hugs him with her tiny hands, then licks his cheek for kisses before finally perching on his shoulder. She curls her tail around his arm, making squinty eyes that express how happy she is.

Kid Ritz: "I was so worried about her once I saw Crimp on the stairs outside. How did you find her?"

Fred: "I was coming out of the bathroom when everything started to get hectic. Jewels was jumping and swinging through the crowds, scared to death. I don't know how she got out, but I called to her, and like the good little monkey she is, she bounced right off some girl's head and into my arms."

Orchid and Rollie laugh as Kid Ritz coos at Jewels', holding and treating her like she's a little baby.

Jewels: "Oo"

Rollie tickles her tummy, eventually focusing on the monitors in front of him. He shows them the setup we've got and fits the pair with their own set of walkie-talkies and in-ears. I can't focus much on anything he says as I feel cold, achy shakes rattle my chest. I need a drink, but I only packed one more shooter. I was high on the adrenaline of finding Kid Ritz and Orchid, but now, the novelty's worn off.

Orchid: "Fred... Fred... Fred?"

I register her saying my name for a third time, my attention refocusing on what's around me.

Kid Ritz: "You good there, bud?"

I shake my head, blinking to try to get rid of the brain fog.

Fred: "Hey, sorry. Just... was thinking."

Kid Ritz looks me over, simply nodding before gesturing at the monitors.

Kid Ritz: "Well, all we were saying was how we got out of the tunnel and saw- well, speak of the devil."

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