Rage Dome Side

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Kid Ritz POV:

Kid Ritz: "I had been on a phone call earlier with Ven, just checking in before the show. I saw the trolls, and they all seemed happy. I was hosting the show, and things were going well when Crimp and the two trolls confronted the twins on the red carpet. I was baffled, because I had just seen the Facetime with the trolls looking happy. The twins drove away, and the Rage Dome went into a frenzy. I found Orchid alone out front, where she told me that Fred was inside the Rage Dome. I led us into the arena but quickly saw how chaotic things were getting, so we hid in the tunnel. That's when I realized something was wrong because all the lights were off, and no one was in the tunnel."

Fred looks at me with guilt and remorse in his eyes, hanging his head low.

Fred: "I had gone inside... to drink two shooters. I was feeling the shakes and drank them in the bathroom. Once I was done, I left the bathroom and saw on the screens that the twins were on the road, and Rageons around me started to get upset. Someone screamed, and I saw Jewels jumping from Rageon's head because she was so scared. I caught her and tried calming her down, but I was confused about what she was doing in the open. I took her to the bathroom again, where the door then locked behind me, and the lights turned off. I felt panicked for leaving Orchid out front, which should never have happened if it weren't for me sneaking off to drink."

He eyes me sadly, looking disappointed in himself.

Rollie: "I had been trying to get Gloria somewhere safe and found the monitor room. Once we were inside, I heard a click and saw the door had locked. I ignored it and tried to get Gloria to calm down. I stared at the monitors until the lights in the Rage Dome shut off."

Kid Ritz: "I think Orchid and I heard the power shut off. In the tunnel, some noise scared us while we hid behind crates. We saw the source of the noise was Johnny, the Sage Boy. He looked like his leg was hurt and was moving very awkwardly. Other Rageons entered the tunnel and seemed ok until they screamed as a loud, mechanical whir noise sounded out. I think that was the power shutoff, and Johnny chased them out of the tunnel."

Fred: "I heard it too. My phone died right before it, so I was freaked hearing everyone panic outside the bathroom while Jewels and I couldn't see what was happening."

Rollie: "Well, the lights shut off, and everyone on the monitors panicked. I had my phone, and was watching a live stream of the show when my phone turned off. As I turned it back on, the monitors showed that everyone in the Rage Dome froze in place. They held positions that would not be feasible for extended periods of time. Then, they shifted all at once and stood still like statues. It was so scary to see in real-time."

Kid Ritz: "When we tried leaving the tunnel, a Rageon was frozen before the door and gave us a jumpscare. I hid Orchid behind a clothing rack and looked out the tunnel door to see that all the lights were off, and it was silent."

Fred: "Jewels and I heard how silent it was; it happened in a second. I tried the door handle again, and it opened. Jewels and I saw all of the frozen Rageons, and went to try to get out. The frozen Rageons simultaneously shifted into the still, soldier like statue positions they are in now, and I fell to the floor,  I was so scared. It was truly a gnarly experience."

Rollie: "I saw you moving on the monitors, so I had Gloria wait in the monitor room so I could go after you. I found you with Jewels, and she looked so scared."

Fred: "I was so relieved Rollie found me, as the Rageons moving scared me so much. He took me back to the booth, and we found a box full of walkie-talkies. After putting on the walkie talkie, I felt confident to leave Jewels with Rollie and Gloria while I searched for Orchid and Kid Ritz."

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