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Rollie POV:

Rollie: "SHIT!"

I fall to the floor in pure fear, throwing my hands up to my head. I wait to be viciously pulled apart or attacked by some raging monster... yet it doesn't happen. Instead, I hear a soft laugh ring above my head.

Voice: "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you."

I move my shaking hands from my eyes, peering into the darkness. Two glowing, yellow eyes stare back at me... the same ones I saw in the office.

Voice: "Here, let me help you up."

I feel a hand reach for my shoulder, and I take it cautiously. I'm helped to stand with a strong hand, yet I am put off by how cold the skin feels.

Rollie: "Oh... um. Thank you?"

Voice: "You're welcome, Rollie Roy."

Rollie: "How... how do you know who I am?"

The voice laughs quietly, yet not in a sinister way. It does sound off, though, like they're speaking with two voices.

Voice: "We're in the same industry. I'd know that voice of silk anywhere."

Rollie: "Oh... alright. That's... good to know?"

The voice laughs again as they put their hand on my shoulder.

Voice: "Say, let's get out of this creepy tunnel. I thought I heard you call down here, so I followed your voice. I thought I saw you in the office, but I waited so long, and nothing happened, so I left. Lo and behold, I was right; you were down here; you just were too good at hiding."

I say nothing, feeling uneasy about this stranger. 

Voice: "You don't have to feel uneasy, Rollie. I'm not going to hurt you."

Rollie: "How... how did you know I'm feeling that way?"

The voice is quiet, the yellow glow disappearing as they close their eyes.

Voice: "Well, I'm a Siren Rageon. I can read minds. Or... at least I was."

Rollie: "How do you mean?"

Voice: "Well, I was being chased up in the air by... some monster. He fell to his death, and then... I did as well. I'm... not too sure how I'm standing or even breathing... but I am. Something is definitely off about me, though; my voice sounds like two Rageons are speaking simultaneously, and I can't feel a heartbeat. See if you can."

I feel the hand move from my shoulder down my arm to my wrist, grab my hand, and place it on their chest. I feel for a heartbeat, yet find nothing.

Rollie: "I saw you fall."

Voice: "You did? I'm... sorry."

Rollie: "You shouldn't be sorry. You're the one that fell... and maybe or maybe not died."

The voice chuckles, yet sounds worried.

Roman: "Well, my name's Roman. I was here with the members of my band, RIVAL. Dixie and Cade are gone—frozen, and now I'm... like this."

Woah! I'm talking to THE Roman? He does NOT sound like himself at all!

Roman sighs, reminding me he can read my mind.

Rollie: "Sorry! I didn't mean that in a bad way; just took me by surprise."

Roman: "No worries. I... still have to figure out what's happened to me, and I'm beyond shocked, so I can only imagine how it seems to the outside view."

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