Voice Cracks

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Velvet POV:

I wait for whatever made that noise to attack me, yet nothing comes. I hold my breath, unsure if I should brandish my sword or not. I slowly back away, very spooked, as it feels like someone is watching me. I back away until I hit into a frozen Rageon behind me; causing me to jump hard.

Ok, I'm SO over this. I need to get out of here; Ven would want me to. He probably wouldn't have even made it up all of these stairs, let alone get into the tunnel. How could I be so stupid?

I walk until my feet hit a stair, following them down to a lower level. Oh, I guess this is the stage floor. It's creepy how I'm here now instead of when I was supposed to perform.

I continue to walk until I see a dim, blue glow. I approach it slowly, seeing it's some sort of tiny room. I close myself inside, sighing as I see the door is busted to the point it won't lock.

Oh well, at least I have a moment to think in a place that feels somewhat safe.

Ok, so there are computers that show video feeds of the arena. I can use them to look for Veneer or anyone else moving. I lean over the monitors, feeling like a total nerd as I click through the different feeds. Frustratingly, I make it through all of the cameras without seeing anything.

This idea was a bust. I scared and possibly put myself in danger for nothing. I roll my eyes at myself, more annoyed than scared at this point. Ok, let's find the door so I can leave this place. I click through the cameras until I see the door. Just as I get my bearings, the door opens on its own.

Velv: ":0."

I watch in shock as Midori and Carlos enter the Rage Dome. I rub my eyes quickly, not sure what I'm seeing is real.

Honestly, it could be Dom making me hallucinate. Or the fact I haven't eaten in a really long time. Or because I haven't drank water, slept well, or- well, no need to dwell on why I'm a hot mess.

I spy on my cell mates until I think they approach the tunnel. Oh shit, I should go help them. I grab my sword, holding it tight as I take a deep breath and exit the monitor room. Damn, it's so dark. Isn't this, like, a million-dollar arena? Rolling my eyes for the hundredth time, I walk up the stairs and toward the tunnel. I can't believe they're here; they must have come looking for me, which is very sweet.

I look around for the wall, gently tapping the frozen Rageons in front of me with my sword like a walking stick. Wow, V, you're so resourceful! Thank you, me; I know. I smile at myself, amused with how I'm choosing to keep the mood light. It doesn't last, as pulling on the handle does nothing when I approach the tunnel door.

Maybe it's just rusty...

I pull harder, tucking the sword under my arm to pull with both hands. I fall back, cutting myself slightly on the arm the sword was tucked under.

Velv: "Ow!"

I throw a hand to my mouth, looking around me with wide eyes as I realize how loud that yelp was. I grab the stupid stabby sword, holding it out toward any monster that can hurt me. I hear nothing, feeling stupid once again over how paranoid I am.

I stand, feeling extremely conflicted about what to do next. I'm pretty sure the door to leave is a few feet away, yet I'm also pretty sure that I saw my cellmates enter this dumb tunnel. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if they freaking die in there while I escaped. If I can't get the door open, then there isn't much I can do but wait I guess.

With a quiet sigh, I sit by the edge of the door, hiding next to some Rageon. He gives me a bit of bravery; if he or any of these other Rageons are lucid and aware of what's going on, they can see that I'm trying to be a good Rageon and wait for my friends.

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