Blood Red Wine

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Midori POV:

Velv: "Did you find anyone? What happened? You were gone so long I fell asleep on accident."

I dust off the pants of my jumpsuit before I answer her. The look in her eye tells me she's very anxious, which makes a part of me sad, and the other part of me wishes I could take her sad clouds away.

Midori: "Well, I met Carlos. He was actually able to remove the bars from his window; my side of the building must have been more worn down by the weather if we had been able to remove the bars from both of our windows, so that's a plus!"

Velvet nods, looking past my shoulder to my window. It gives me the idea that I should put the bars back in case a guard returns. As I put them back into place, I explain the rest of what Carlos and I discussed.

Midori: "That screaming we heard was Carlos crying after Veneer. He said that "bad men" took him away, and Veneer hasn't returned since."

I return to the bars separating me from the hallway, seeing Velvet standing dejectedly.

Velv: "That's... horrible. He was here this whole time and I never even knew it. I can only think that it was Dom who was a part of the "bad men."

Midori: "That's what I thought as well. Whoever they were, and I can't explain why I feel this way, most likely took Veneer away from the prison. I don't know what it is, but something within me tells me he isn't here anymore."

I expect Velvet to get mad or rightfully upset at me for that statement, yet she doesn't. She looks from the floor to my eyes, a single tear rolling down her cheek.

Velv: "I... trust your intuition, M."

Midori: "Thank you."

She nods sadly, looking beyond heartbroken.

Midori: "Well, Carlos and I were together for so long because we came up with a plan to escape."

Velvet perks up, her head snapping toward me hopefully.

Velv: "What do you have?"

Midori: "At mealtime, we'll steal spoons, then use the stolen spoons to chip away at the courtyard wall without alerting the guards during our courtyard time. After the guards' final rounds at night, Carlos and I will leave our cells, scale the wall, and chip away the rest of the wall overnight. The two of us working together should make the process go by quicker, and we'd be back in our cells by morning. The next day, tomorrow, we would try to escape through the hole we'd made. If you and I both escape, I'd come back for Carlos with a boat or anything I could to bring him back safely. If you escape, then Carlos and I will work together to get out of here together, one way or another."

Velvet sits quietly, thinking the plan over.

Velv: "I want this to work; I'm just worried about the high risk of you two getting caught tonight. I wish I could go with you."

Midori: "I appreciate that. I think it's just another risk we have to take. It's better than me being alone if I get caught with him. Besides, you'll get to meet Carlos tonight. He'll stop by in my cell so the three of us can talk things over and really see this through."

Velv: "Well, if you say so. I hate to be so dependent on you."

Midori: "It's all good. I don't mind."

I offer her a smile, wishing she could feel as optimistic about this as I feel. 

Midori: "I'm really tired, so I'm going to nap until the guards come to wake us up."

Velv: "Alright, thank you again for everything you're doing."

Midori: "No problem, V."

I give her one last smile, turning before crawling into bed. I fall asleep happily, excited about finally getting out of here.

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