Rosaline And Richard

42 4 6

Veneer POV:

I go to my bedroom, brush my teeth, and wash my face slowly. I look at myself in the mirror, wishing I could see anything more than my all-white eyes. I raise my eyebrows, not seeing much of a reaction I can inflect, regardless of the emotion I'm trying to portray.

I head to bed, waking Kid Ritz to dose him. As I put the medicine bottle on the dresser, I feel the same chill run down my spine as it did earlier. I look around, not seeing anything. I go to the window, looking out into the dark street before I spy something big moving among the neighboring buildings: a monster. 

I watch it gangle around, disgusted and saddened to see it move awkwardly. I feel another cold chill, my body jolting from how strong the shivers are coursing through me. It feels like my body is being pulled towards something—just what?

I climb into bed, feeling as Kid Ritz holds me. He tucks his head next to my neck, kissing me gently before he seems to fall asleep. I lay for a long time, yet find myself unable to sleep. I lay for as long as I can, finally determining that I need to get up. 

I leave the bed, a nagging chill growing within me, propelling my actions. I go to the closet, changing into black pants and a black long-sleeved shirt. Once I'm changed, I go to the kitchen, finding a pen and paper to write my letter and notes. Once I have everything I need written out, I leave the papers on the dining room table. 

I find my gun lying on a kitchen counter along with the other two guns for Rollie and Kid Ritz. Fred keeps his on him at all times now. I grab my gun, checking and filling it with as many bullets as it can hold. I slip it into the back pocket of my pants, the cold weight heavy.

I go back to the bedroom, moving to grab the medicine before looking at Kid Ritz. He looks so peaceful yet also so sick. His skin is pale, and his black veins are prominent. His lips bleed a blank, ink-like color that dissipates into his now pale skin tone. 

I walk over, kissing his cheek lightly. I look at him for a minute before finally pulling myself away. I grab my ring pops, put them in my pocket, and leave the bedroom. I exit the apartment quietly, walking briskly to the museum.

I crawl in, successfully landing on the floor without hurting myself. I have my gun on me, and I filled it up before leaving, so that's good. I look at the array of weapons I had laid out, picking a small but very sharp-looking knife. I find a holster for it, hooking it onto the waistband of my pants. 

I look around the basement, admiring the dusty artifacts for what may be the last time. The longer I stay down here, the colder the chill within me grows. I know it's Dom calling me to him. Hopefully, I can evade him long enough to catch him off guard.

I walk to the window, jumping before pulling myself out. As I climb onto the ground outside, I hear a low growl somewhere in the distance. I keep my knife ready in my hand, walking quickly towards the direction of the mansion.

As I walk, I feel my panic grow. I can't believe I'm going after him alone. I don't have much other choice. We can't continue to put off killing him; more Rageons are just going to suffer.

I pull my milk and honey ring pop out, using lightly. It's almost out, and the effects are pretty weak, so it'll be fine to use until I get to the mansion. I walk until I come upon the gates, seeing the dark mansion at the top of the red, winding brick road. 

I walk up the road quietly, stopping at the iron gates. I slip through just as before, finding the bushes I tore through and walking past them again. I crouch low to the ground, moving quickly toward the mansion. No lights are on, making me feel a bit nervous. 

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