Relying On The Roses

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Velvet POV:

I wake up from my nap and hear soft laughing coming from Midori's cell. I get off my bed and walk to the bars to see her talking to a boy I've never seen before.

Midori: "V! You're up! This is Carlos!"

Carlos: "Hello, nice to meet you."

He talks with a nice accent and seems kind enough.

Velv: "Hey, cool to meet you. You were cellmates with Veneer?"

Carlos nods, a sad look crossing his face.

Velv: "How... how was he when you were with him."

Carlos: "I've met him before; I am friends and former classmates with Kid Ritz. Kid Ritz took Veneer to my father's restaurant. I like them both very much, and Veneer was happy. He has a good outlook on life."

My heart hurts as I think of my brother, worried sick over where he could be.

Velv: "Well, I'm glad to hear you speak so highly of him. Thank you for agreeing to help us."

Carlos: "No problem. I say we should go now, Midori."

Midori looks at him, then me.

Midori: "Alright. Well... I guess I'll see you in the morning, V."

Velv: "Please... be careful. Come straight back here if you for any reason feel like you'll be caught."

Midori: "We will."

Velv: "Here."

I slide my spoon under the crack of the bars, hearing the satisfying clink of the metal gliding across the floor and into Midori's cell. She picks it up, giving me a comforting smile before she leaves through her window. 

Carlos: "Don't worry, Velvet. We'll be back before sunrise."

Velv: "Please, keep both of you guys safe."

Carlos: "You can count on me."

With that, he pulls himself up and out of the window, his feet disappearing from view as he climbs the side of the building.

I'm left alone, really alone, in the darkness of the cells. Knowing that we are the only inmates here freaks me out now that Midori and Carlos are both outside. All I can do now is wait... in my dark, cold, creepy cell... all alone.

I shake my head, climbing back onto my bed and curling up against the corner of my wall. I hug my knees to my chest, feeling nervous... yet also excited. I have to have faith that Midori and Carlos can chip us a way out of here. 

I close my eyes, willing myself to relax. My friends can do this; we'll be out of here soon, and I'll be able to start my search for my brother. As long as I keep my head about me, everything will all work out... hopefully.

Midori POV:

I leave my window, holding onto the crumbly wall. I move slowly, using the bars of the windows next to my cell as a place for my feet to stand on. I hear Carlos move alongside me, yet I don't turn my head to look his way. 

I scale the wall as quickly as I can while remaining as safe as possible. I scale until I see the building end, with the wall to the courtyard just a swift jump over from this last cell window I'm standing on.

Ok, I'll jump for the courtyard wall on three.



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