Waging Weapons

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Velvet POV:

I run until I can't anymore, stopping near the Mount Rageous History Museum. No matter how dire the situation is, I'd never be caught DEAD going in there. Plus, it looks like someone has broken in; there's glass all over the floor.

Yeah, going in to hide inside of a nerdy museum is not for me. I start to walk away, until I hear something in the distance. A low, gurgling scream rings out into the air.

I freeze, beginning to panic as footsteps start running in my direction. Another scream rings out, and while it sounds like it's coming from the same direction, two voices are screaming simultaneously. 

I whip around, running straight for the museum. I take back what I said about the nerdiness and being caught dead. It seems now like this is my only option to go if I don't want to be caught dead. 

I kneel, crawling awkwardly over the broken glass and through the window. I fall in, not realizing how high up the window is. 


Velv: "Aww, fuck."

I let myself lie on the ground, not bothering to sit up immediately. I give my body a chance to breathe, until I suddenly can't as a foot steps on my chest.

Voice: "Who are you! You have three seconds to tell me before I stab you."

I hold still, afraid to move the hood off my eyes to see who's talking to me. Their voice sounds familiar...

Velv: "Um... I'm Velvet. I was running from-"

I'm stopped short again as I feel the person fall next to me, crying loudly. I'd know those cries anywhere.

Velv: "VENEER!"

Ven: "VELVET!"

We hug each other tightly, crying on the cold floor. 

Ven: "How'd you get here?"

Velv: "I should be asking you that! Carlos told Midori and me that you got captured!"

Ven: "How'd you meet Carlos?"

Velv: "I-"

I'm interrupted again as the growling noise I heard running toward me sounds above our heads. We both fall silent, listening intently. Veneer stands silently, picking up a dagger he had lying beside him.

I watch in awe as he approaches the window, aiming the spear at an angle that would surely stab someone if they were to fall through as I did. I'd never expect such a brave move from him; I'm impressed.

We wait patiently, neither of us saying anything. Whatever was chasing me remains silent as well, giving me the impression it left after what feels like an eternity of us waiting.

Velv: "I... think they're gone."

Ven says nothing, not even looking in my direction as he keeps his eyes trained toward the window.

Velv: "Ven?"

I see him blink, his jaw relaxing from the tight hold he had. He moves away from the window, yet keeps his hand on the dagger.

Ven: "Sorry, I was just scared it was... you know who."

He walks past me, climbing onto a disgusting old bed.

Velv: "Woah, Ven, get off of there! That thing looks like it's infested with bed bugs."

Ven looks at me blankly, shrugging as he relaxes.

Ven: "It's served me well."

Velv: "How long have you been here?"

He looks toward the window, shrugging again.

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