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Fred POV:

I wake up tired and feeling very slow. Rollie's still asleep on my lap, his forehead lined with worry even in his sleep. I hold him gently, not wanting to wake him. I look around, taking in the bedroom. It's decorated nicely; very clean, yet lacking in any real personality.

Even his clothes are somewhat basic, yet still expensive. From the clothes I've seen him wear to perform to his lounge wear, they are all formal to an extent.

He wears nice suits and men's clothes for his performances, which align with his stage personality of presenting as posh. It's just interesting to observe that his home, personal life and clothes also reflect that character.

Talking to him more allows me to understand better his personality, especially how sensitive and caring he is. From the shows I've seen, especially when he's been shown near Velvet and Veneer, he comes off smooth and confident, very poised, yet also intimidating.

His red eyes, without the black backings, are striking. They're beautiful to stare into, but also so intimidating it can be hard to know what he makes of you.

As I think, Rollie stirs. He looks at me, yawning tiredly.

Fred: "Hi, love."

Rollie: "Hi."

He sighs, burrowing his head next to my neck.

Rollie: "I'm so sleepy."

Fred: "Me too. I'm glad we're taking the day off."

Rollie nods, sighing warm air that tickles my skin.

Fred: "That tickles."

Rollie: "Sorry."

Fred: "That tickles too."

I squirm a little as his talking against my skin makes me laugh. Rollie pulls back, giving me an evil smirk before starting his attack. He goes for my sides, leaving me hopelessly defenseless against his fingers, tickling me to no end.

I flop over, silently laughing my head off as he stops. I HATE being tickled; it hurts so good. Rollie smirks, watching as I silently die.

Rollie: "I didn't know you were so ticklish."

Fred: "I am, I am. Forget Dom; I might die from laughing too hard."

Rollie bends down, kissing my cheek before resting on my shoulder.

Rollie: "I won't tickle you; I just was curious."

Fred: "It's ok; it hurt in a good way."

Rollie: "I will find something else to annoy you with."

Fred: "Sounds good."

We lay around for a few more minutes until Rollie gets up and heads to the bathroom. I drag myself out of bed, feeling wobbly as I stand.

I brush it off, decide to make the bed and open the curtains. As I pull back the fabric, I'm shocked that the sky hasn't changed since the last time I saw it. It's dark red and sinister-looking as if evil is laced through the clouds. The sun is so red outside that it reflects onto me and the room.

Rollie leaves the bathroom, gasping as he joins me to the window.

Rollie: "Oh my gosh!"

Fred: "You think Dom did this?"

Rollie: "I guess so."

I look a while longer before deciding to move away to go to the bathroom. As I wash my hands, I realize how drowsy I am. I wash my face, seeing that my sleepiness isn't going away. I exit the bathroom, finding Rollie no longer in the room.

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