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Taylor and Jessica were heading out the house, going for a walk. They had just had lunch and Jessica told Taylor she was feeling really anxious this afternoon so she decided some fresh air would give the girl some relief. They were nearly home when Taylor heard the clicking of paparazzi cameras. For Jessica this wasn't unheard of so she did what Taylor always told her to do and put her head down, carried on walking faster and totally ignored them. They got into the house and Taylor sighed loudly "I'm sorry Buddy – they've left us alone pretty well so far but looks like they're going to be back chasing now". Jessica smiled and shrugged "oh well". The teen slumped off to her bedroom while Taylor sat in front of the TV. A couple of hours later her phone buzzed, she saw it was a link from Tree and held her breath as she clicked on it, the photos of her and Jessica walking flooded the screen. After a few seconds her phone lit up again as Tree facetimed her, the redhead flooded the screen as Taylor clicked accept "So, they're pretty much everywhere online already, There isn't a lot we can do. We either ignore it or we run something off your Instagram to try and bury it" Taylor groaned "it was going to happen at some point – I think if we try to distract it's just going to make it more obvious?" Tree nodded "I agree, I think we just let them run their course". Taylor agreed and the pair hung up. Taylor looked at the time and realised she needed to start dinner. She called up to the teen, urging her to come downstairs for a while.

Soon after Jessica came into the kitchen, her eyes red – obvious she had been crying. Taylor put the knife down and immediately went over to her "what's wrong?!". Jessica shook her head "nothing, I'm fine." Taylor narrowed her eyes at her "Jessica, I can see you're upset. Talk to me". Jessica sighed "it's so stupid..." Taylor shrugged "it's not stupid if it's upset you!".

Jessica took a deep breath "I saw all the photos online, and then I saw all the comments....Everyone is talking about my body – about how it's changed. About how I look 'healthy' now which we know just means fat...I know it doesn't matter. I know they don't know me – I know weight doesn't define me. But it just sucks, you know?" Taylor pulled her in for a hug "thank you for telling me that. It is hard when everyone is talking about your body – I know it's easy for me to say, but you just have to ignore them. They don't know you. They don't know how brave you are, nothing they say matters." Jessica nodded but Taylor could see she wasn't convinced, she squeezed her hand "wanna help me make dinner? You can cut up the veggies for me if you want to?". Jessica sniffled slightly but nodded, moving past Taylor to grab the knife Taylor had set down.

Quickly dinner was done and Taylor expected a battle to get Jessica to eat but the teen just sat quietly, slowly forcing her way through the food. As soon as she was done she attempted to go up to her bedroom but Taylor pulled her back "Sit with me for a bit buddy? I want to know you're ok.." Jessica grimaced "I just want to get into bed, I am soo tired. Please Tay?" Taylor weighed it up then reluctantly agreed "I'll be in to check on you soon, Ok?" Jessica nodded and jogged up the stairs, desperate to sleep the day off. After an hour or so Taylor decided to head upstairs herself, she thought she may as well watch Netflix in bed where she would be more comfortable. She was watching friends when she heard Jessica head downstairs, Taylor figured she was thirsty and had gone to get some water so she didn't worry but when the teen hadn't come back after a few minutes Taylor decided to go to investigate.

As she crept downstairs her heart broke, Jessica was in the middle of a huge binge. The teen hadn't noticed Taylor walking in – she was too lost in her own thoughts. The blonde walked up tentatively behind the teen, reaching out and touching her back gently "Jessica buddy, come and sit with me". As soon as Jessica heard her voice she whipped round, her eyes wide with terror. She froze, unable to speak or move. Taylor tried again "Jessica, come on – come and sit with me" she tugged gently on the girl's arm – pulling her towards the living room. In that moment Jessica came back to life – the terror taking over her body, she quickly darted past the blonde – desperately trying to make it back upstairs. Just as she was about to reach the bottom step she felt Taylor's arms wrapping around her distended stomach "NOOOO, LET ME GO!"

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