Surprise delivery

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Taylor was sat in the conference room with her team, trying to concentrate on what they were saying but the pain in her back and stomach was killing her.

Tree noticed that Taylor was not paying attention and glared at her, mouthing "listen!"

Taylor smirked but went back to deep breathing – trying to stop herself from groaning.

Tree realised she was uncomfortable "OK everyone, let's take a 15 minute break now. I think we could all do with a coffee"

The team all agreed and everyone filed out – leaving just Tree and Taylor in the room. Tree walked down to the end of the table where Taylor was sitting "what's wrong?"

Taylor shook her head "I'm fine"

Tree swatted her leg playfully "I can see you're not – what is wrong?"

Taylor sighed "my back is killing me and my stomach just feels ergh" She shifted in her chair – biting her lip at the discomfort. Tree frowned, concerned before Taylor giggled "Tree – I'm fine. It's probably just early period pains...or maybe a bug? I don't know"

Tree reached over, feeling her forehead gently "you're not hot..."

Taylor shook her head "nah – honestly I'm OK. Have you got any painkillers on you?"

Tree nodded – rummaging through her handbag and quickly passing Taylor two tablets "take those and see how you go. Do you think you can last the final hour or so?"

Taylor nodded "yeah I'll be fine, thanks"

Everyone came back in the room and sat down, Tree grabbed her laptop and drink – moving to the seat next to Taylor so she could keep an eye on her. Taylor did seem to relax slightly and the pain died down – they made it through the rest of the business and wrapped it up. As Taylor stood up, she doubled over in pain again – gripping onto the edge of the table and breathing deeply.

Tree rubbed her back "Taylor – it might be your haven't felt great for the last couple of days. Maybe we should take you to get checked over?"

Taylor shook her head quickly "No! You're right though, I have felt a bit off the last few days – it must be a bug. I need to get home though, sort Jessica out. The pain has gone again now – maybe it's gastritis?"

Tree hummed "mmm maybe. Let me drive you home though. I can make Jessica dinner while you rest – see if it goes away fully?"

Taylor didn't want to agree but she was also worried about becoming more unwell and not being able to look after Jessica properly so she nodded "It's times like these that I hate that my mum moved away – a 6 hour flight just isn't OK"

Tree nodded slightly, rubbing her back gently "I know – but she is coming back in next weekend isn't she? That'll be fun!"

They drove home quickly, Taylor felt fine again until she attempted to stand up to get out the car – a pain ripped through her again and she had to lean against the car to catch her breath. Tree came rushing round "Tay, I really think we need to get you checked – it seriously might be your appendix"

Taylor pushed her away though "it's probably gastritis. I googled it on the drive over – the main symptoms are nausea, bloating, stomach pain and indigestion – I have all of them."

Tree narrowed "OK – well if you feel the same tomorrow, will you let me book you a doctor's appointment then? We need to get it treated"

Taylor sighed – feeling exhausted by the pain "yeah – if it's bad tomorrow then I'll ring them"

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