Winchesters x Reader//Lil' Winchester

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"Y/N! Did you get the pie?" Dean calls from the living room, or whatever you would call it, as you walk through the door. Another case. Another crappy motel. You sigh, and set the pie down in front of your eldest brother.

"There you go! Now you can pig out! Or should I say, pie out." You joke and put in a dramatic wink. Dean rolls his eyes and mutter something about 'siblings'. You laugh and turn around, your H/C hair flipping around and hitting you in the face. Sputtering, you try to spit it out.

"Way to go Y/N! You win the award for the smartest cookie around!" Dean sarcastically says.

"Oh buzz off Squirrel." You retort making his trap shut close. Smiling happily, you walk over to the bathroom. The door opens and out pops Moose. Interrupting Moose. Crap, Crowley's getting to you.

"Hey Y/N/N! Did you get the food?" Sam cheerily asks.

"No, I bought a sparkly unicorn. That's what I went out to get." You speak in a 'duh' tone. Sam shakes his head with a small smile gracing his face. Ruffling your hair, he walks off to go eat his lettuce.

Going into the bathroom, you brush your teeth and head back out to get your pajama shirt. You take showers in the morning, it just feels weird to take them at night. Jumping into the crappy bed, you sigh and smile a small smile, thinking about your idiotic brothers and the hunt we have to finish.

"Goodnight Dork!" Dean calls.

"Goodnight loser! Goodnight tall person!" You sleepily say. You hear muffled words come from where the boys are sitting and then you're out like a light, knowing Team Free Will will protect you from the monsters under your bed.

Sorry this is so short. I wrote this at night and I'm too loopy. I dunno. Just, don't cry, craft. (Dan&Phil Reference)

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