Winchesters x Reader//Warriors Lost

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Song of choice: Warriors- Imagine Dragons

Imagine: Dean, Sam, and you are siblings. You all get into an argument about something that happened ages ago, and that leads to Sam and you arguing with Dean about how it was improper that you were raised as warriors.

Requested by PrettyLies_UglyFace

"I don't understand why you're yelling at us." You spoke up for the first time that you all began this argument. Was Dean even serious with this? Dean looked at you and shrugged. His eyes were slightly foggy. You had been on a hunt last night and it was bad. Bad enough that it made the three of you succumb to your demons and argue about hunts that nearly made you split up.

"I'm not yelling at you! I'm just saying that the both of you could've done better on that hunt. We could've gotten that little girl out of there alive." Dean spat out, taking a large swig of vodka. He was drunk and you doubted he knew what he was saying, but that didn't mean his words didn't cut through your skin like a scalpel. Your eyes showed your pain at his words and you went to reply back but Sam beat you.

"I can't believe you right now Dean. There was nothing we could've done! She would've killed us before we could get that demon out of her. Besides, why are we arguing about a hunt that happened years ago?" He argued, his hands curling into fists. Dean threw his hands up in the air before picking his bottle back up. This was not a good idea to be arguing when he was drunk. The truth was more lethal when you had nothing to hold you back.

"Who cares if this hunt was years ago. Her life was more important than any of ours! I can't believe that you would choose yourselves over her. Saving people is what we're supposed to do; not save ourselves." You were close to crying; your hands clutched your jacket sleeves and your eyes were watering. You didn't want to open your mouth in case you would regret your words, but you did so anyways.

"I didn't want to be a warrior Dean." You replied so quietly that both had to slow down their breathing to hear you. "I didn't want to go into this life. I wanted a family, a job that I loved and a place that was home everyday." Tears were falling down your face now as you told them how you had been feeling since you were dragged into this. Yes, it felt amazing to save people, but was it really worth it when you couldn't even save yourself?

"She's right." Sam backed up. "I could be a lawyer right now with Jess kissing me when I came home. We could have good lives." You looked at the both of them; seeing pain in Sam's eyes and only anger in Dean's. That alcohol was of no help to make this a sensible argument.

"You are the ones who followed after me when I told you dad was in trouble! You could've stayed in your safe little boring places if you wanted to." After saying that, Dean picked up his bottle and went outside. You heard baby rev up and take off, leaving two pained siblings behind. Slowly you wiped the tears from under your eyes as Sam hugged you, trying to hide his as well.

"I don't want to be a warrior on the losing side anymore." You sniffled into his shoulder as he ran a hand through your hair. "I just don't want to be a warrior."

"Neither do I."

Sorry this is kind of short! My laptop's being a son of a bitch today and it's annoying me a lot considering I have a paper to write about politics for journalism and I need my damn computer to work and I have stories to write and Grey's Anatomy to cry at and tumblr to scroll through COMPUTER WORK WITH ME HERE

Also I'm trying to make a very hard decision right now: go to homecoming or don't? My friend's sister says you have to go cause it's so much fun, but I transferred to a new school and don't know anybody well enough to go with so i'd probably just be standing in a corner awkwardly.


stay thirsty my memes,

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