Kevin Tran x Assassin!Reader//Explosions//Part Two

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Song of Choice: It's Time- Imagine Dragons

Imagine: the Winchesters assigning you to protect their prophet friend, Kevin Tran. As heartless as you may seem, you still can't help to see the twinkle in his eyes and the kindness of his heart.
(This doesn't really follow the show besides for the boat and tablet part, so there really aren't any spoilers.)

Requested by DIVERGENTLIFE4evah

Weeks. You had been cooped up in this boat for weeks, learning anything and everything about the boy who was Kevin Tran. He was intriguing; much different from the others you had helped. Skittish, charming, and incredibly smart. A mixture of good and bad qualities, yet he showed them all freely.

"Kevin." You muttered, staring down at the tablet from over his shoulder. He nodded in acknowledgement, urging you to continue. "Dean said we've been here to long. I've got a safe house down in Montana that would be good, so get ready to pack up. We're leaving in two hours." He nodded again, unusually quiet for the time you have met him. "Kevin?" There was worry in your voice, causing him to sigh and turn around.

"I'm having trouble. I haven't been able to make any sense of the tablet in the last week and I know the Winchesters are getting restless." He opened up, turning his eyes to you as you moved around to lean against the metal desk nailed to the wall.

"They're always restless, just ignore them. I think a change of scenery might help. You'll be alright, kid." You pat his head, him crinkling his nose.

"I'm only one year younger than you." Kevin whined as he stood up, going to his bag to continue packing. "Let's leave in an hour. I'm ready for a road trip."

"Hell yeah, Tran!"


With music blasting out your radio's speakers and empty junk food wrappers, your road trip had started. Apparently, you and Kevin had very different music tastes. "Instrumental is not good road trip music, Tran." You deadpanned, taking your eyes off the road for a second to see the boy sitting in the passenger seat, his feet clutched around a black bag that held the tablet.

"It could be and it can be! I've had amazing road trips with just instrumental music." He argued, crossing his arms after popping a yellow gummy bear in his mouth. You held your hand out and he obliged, placing a red bear in your hand.

"Thanks. Anyways, that's a road trip for smart people like you. Girls like me? We like to rock." You smirked and turned up the radio, the familiar song of Beyonce's Run The World blasting out. "Who runs the world? Girls!" You screamed, watching Kevin roll his eyes.

"Weirdo." You winked at him in return and pressed your foot down on the gas, moving up to 60 mph as you made it onto a country road.

"I have good taste, Kevin. You, however..." You clicked your tongue and laughed when he put two fingers into the shape of an L on his forehead. "God, I hate you." Fell out through chuckles as you bit your tongue to keep them at bay.

You'd changed, both he and yourself could tell. You were more open. For the first week, you barely talked to him, he doing the same thing. It was easier to ignore someone than to get attached. Yet, even in your state of denial, you fell, and you feel hard. "So, Kevin."

"Yeah?" He perked up, turning his eyes to you.

"When all this is over, we should go on a road trip, and not just around the states. Have you ever thought of visiting Europe?" He shrugged and smiled sadly, leaning back in his seat.

"No, I haven't. Do you think we could do the road trip after I finish getting my degree?" You nodded, biting your lip. At least he was interested in the idea.

"I'm cool with that." He smiled thankfully and threw a gummy bear into the air, catching it on his tongue. "Talent, Tran, you have a talent." Kevin playfully winked at you and rolled the window down, leaning his elbow against the open seal. He closed his eyes in bliss and leaned his head back. You smiled, clicking on your blinker and speeding up to pass a semi. This is what you had in mind; calm adventures with a friend. You pulled back over to the right side of the road and continued on to your destination: Cutbank, Montana.


"Kev," you murmured, shaking his shoulders, "Kev, we're here." He mumbled slightly and rubbed open his hazy eyes, smiling at you. "Come on, get your lazy butt up." You pulled back from the open door and instead opened the trunk, grabbing your stuff and walking to the front door. You knew Kevin had stopped, most likely taking in the view.

A trickling river ran past the house, far enough into the trees to not be a hazard, but close enough to relax in the noise. Pine trees and oak trees filtered the yard, one with a tire swing hung from it. "How did you get this place?" He wondered, eyes wide with amazement.

"A friend. He moved and left the place to me as he knows I love Montana." You chuckled and pulled out a pair of keys to the door, opening it with a creak. "It may be a bit dusty as I haven't been here in a while."

"That's a nice friend." Kevin chirped, following behind you with his own bags in tow. The cottage was quiet, light shining on the dust flowing lazily through the air. You breathed in deeply and let out a happy sigh. You were back home.

"You can set your stuff down wherever. I've got a place I want to show you." He nodded and dropped his bags on the couch, following your lead out the backdoor. The backyard held no fence, but it didn't need one. It backed up to a forest, enchanting in its own natural beauty. A small wooden contraption was empty of plants, meaning there had been a garden there once before. Kids, too, as the tree house suggested, a slide backing down to the ground. "There's a little cave off to the side. It's a bit of a trek, but it's really cool."


The sun had begun to go down once you had made it to the cave. There was a small waterfall rushing into a pond next to it, fish swimming peacefully in the clear water. The cave had vines covering the entrance, hiding it from plain eyes. You led him in and took in the sight of an old campsite. There were little drawings on the walls, ones that you and your friend had made years prior when you were still kids and dreams would always come true.

"Tada!" You smiled sadly in remembrance of the simple days, where everything was in color and nothing was ever black and white. Kevin traced his fingers along the drawings, examining the stories they portrayed. A king and a queen were pictured with a little dog at their heels, swords in their hands as they went adventuring into the forest. Childhood dreams, as you always said.

"Thank you for taking me here." Kevin breathed out, turning to you with a bright smile and twinkling eyes. "It's wonderful." You returned the smile and walked closer, patting his shoulder kind of awkwardly.

"No problem, Tran. So, what do you say about swimming?" He smirked.

"Hell yeah."

This is just tooth rotting fluff. I was originally going to kill off Kevin, but then I was like "screw it I'm not in the mood to hurt people today." So lucky you!! NO PAIN FOR NOW!

stay thirsty my memes,

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