Sam x Reader//A Case of Unkind Fate

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Song of choice: Until We Go Down- Ruelle

Imagine: being captured by a shapeshifter and forgetting your memories

Requested By HeyImEmily12

The doors flew open, unleashing light into the dark cell. You glanced up with veiled eyes at two men who held guns. One of them shot the person who had been torturing you and ran towards your side with concerned eyes. He untied you and hugged you tightly.

"I'm glad we found you, Y/N." He smiled as he pulled back, yet frowned when he saw your confused doe eyes.

"Who are you?" You queried. The man crouching next to you turned back to look at the other man sulking in the doorway.

"Come on, we've got to get to Bobby's."

"What do you mean she forgot?" The elder man, you presumed was Bobby, spat out. Sam as you had now come to know his name glanced back at your frail frame.

"Look at her, Bobby. She's not herself. Y/N doesn't even remember me." He seemed close to crying as you observed him, the way he was doing not too long before. The shorter man, Dean, then walked into the kitchen, flipping his phone shut.

"Cas is going to pop in after he gets some angel stuff done." He stated, taking a beer out of the fridge.

"Angel?" You muttered, causing the three men to turn towards you. "Is your friend an angel?" Dean nodded cautiously and shuffled over to you, crouching down by the couch you were sitting on.

"What do you remember about our world?" Dean questioned gruffly, green eyes staring into your e/c ones. "About the supernatural world?" You tilted your head and gripped the mug of hot chocolate tighter.

"Everything. I just don't remember who I am." You blinked innocently at him, taking a sip of your warm beverage. "You said my name is Y/N?" Dean nodded curtly and smiled softly.

"You'll remember soon enough, kid. Our angel friend can help you." He got up and went back over to Bobby and Sam who had watched the interaction intently. Soon a fluttering sound filled the room and there stood a man in a worn trench coat who you could only assume was their angel friend. He walked over to you, blue eyes deeply observing you before placing a hand on your forehead. You gasped and closed your eyes as images filled your head. When you opened them again, Sam was crouching in front of you.

"Sam? What happened?" You muttered, rubbing your foggy eyes. "Did you get that son of a bitch?" Sam laughed and kissed you passionately without any warning. You laughed as he pulled back, hands still on your cheeks. "What was that for?"

"You really scared me there, sweetheart." He whispered, pecking your forehead. "You really, really, did." You gave him a puzzled look before hugging him.

"For whatever the reason, I'm glad you don't have to be scared anymore." Sam grinned and pulled you in for another kiss.

"There's no need to be afraid anymore. Everything that was wrong has been righted."

This kind of sucks, sorry. I kinda just spewed it out because I'm ill and my brain isn't working right, which is also the reason this is out earlier than I said it would be. I ended up having to go home because I felt nauseous and faint. I'm a bit better now though!

stay thirsty my memes,

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