Kevin Tran x Assassin!Reader//Explosions//Part One

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Song of choice: Explosions- Ellie Goulding

Imagine: the Winchesters assigning you to protect their prophet friend, Kevin Tran. As heartless as you may seem, you still can't help to see the twinkle in his eyes and the kindness of his heart.

Requested by DIVERGENTLIFE4evah

(a/n: ARE YOU READY FOR THIS KIDS CAUSE I AM. Btw, you're around the age of 19 in this fic.)

You arrived at a rusted boat, eyebrows furrowing as you turned your car engine off. This was the address Dean sent; you didn't expect it to be a boat. With a roll of your e/c eyes, you stepped out of your car and pounded on the door to the boat with a closed fist. You heard a scream come from inside before the door opened, revealing Dean Winchester's smirking face. "Hello, Winchester." You lifted your sunglasses and let them sit in your hair as he welcomed you in with a tight hug.

"It's good to see you, Y/N." He pulled away and jokingly winked as he jumped up on a rusted table. You scrunched up your nose and closed the boat's door with a bang before leaning against it.

"You couldn't get a better boat?" Dean shrugged at your statement and took a sip from the gas station cup next to him. It was silent, except for the occasional vibration of your phone. "So, where's this Tran dude that I'm keeping safe?" You piped up, eyes involuntarily searching the small space and landing on a door that Dean had his thumb pointed to.

"He's in there. Kev! You can come on out, it's just your body guard." Dean's gruff voice rang out through the boat's interior, bouncing off the steel walls and hitting your eardrums again. A soft, muffled voice responded and the closed door slowly opened, a cautious boy behind it with wide eyes. You stood up and smiled emptily at him, hands stuffed in the pockets of your jacket.

"I'm Y/N Y/L/N. You must be Kevin Tran." He nodded quickly with a nervous cough as he let himself fully out of the room he was cooped up in. Kevin eyed you warily, turning to Dean and doing the same. You raised an eyebrow and the eldest Winchester shrugged with amused eyes and a cheeky smile.

"So, you're the o-one who's going to make sure n-no demons kidnap me?" Kevin whispered, voice squeaky as if he hadn't used it in ages. You nodded curtly and pushed your sunglasses over your eyes.

"I should go grab my batons." With that, you exited the boat and closed the heavy door with a clang. You made your way back to the Mini Cooper you 'borrowed' from your friend and unlocked the trunk, taking out a black duffel bag that was heavy with weapons. Slinging it over your shoulder, you locked the vehicle and entered the boat abruptly, causing Kevin to jump and let out a small whimper. "Don't worry, I'm no demon. You can splash me with holy water if that would make you feel better." As you set your bag down, Kevin kept his expectant eyes on you. "Wait, really?" You snorted and in only a few seconds took an angel blade out of your sleeve and slashed your arm.

"Okay, you two have fun now. Sam's calling; I think he might've found something." Dean bid his goodbyes as you wrapped gauze around your forearm that you pulled out of the duffel bag of wonders. The door closed and the two of you were left in a silence that seemed uncomfortable to Kevin. With a sigh, you pushed up your sunglasses and forced out a somewhat comforting smile.

"So, what got you into this mess in the first place?" You queried, raising an eyebrow at him as you slid down the wall into a seated position. He seemed to lessen his stiffness as you became shorter and less of a threat to him. Kevin glanced toward the room he had came out of before answering.

"I, uh, a tablet." He shrugged his shoulders and shakily sat down on the table Dean was previously on. You nodded, eyes shifting to the door like his did. "I'm a prophet, so I can r-read the angel and demon tablets. Crowley- he's a demon- kind of wants it b-back."

"Sounds terrifying. What were you doing before you became this prophet?" He cleared his throat and tugged at the bottom of his t-shirt.

"I was in a-advanced placement. I play the cello. That w-was fun." You gave him a real, crinkled smile and pulled up your knees, leaning your arms against them for a slouched position. "I was going to go to college. I'm e-eighteen."

"I'm sure once all this is cleared up you'll be able to get back to that." You went to say something else, but you're phone buzzed with a call. "Dean, what's up?" You put the phone on speaker so Kevin could listen in and know that you weren't cohering with the demons he's hiding from.

"Sam and Bobby found some information on Dick. We're heading out of town to follow it up. There's a fast food place near the boat, Kevin likes their burgers." Dean informed briefly.

"Alright. Stay safe you guys." With that, you hung up and smirked at Kevin. "Looks like it's just going to be us for a little bit." He nodded anxiously as he pulled at the collar of his shirt. "So," you dragged out, "have you found anything in the tablet yet that can help?"

"Just a, uh, little bit. Nothing much though." Kevin responded shortly. "What got you into this? You already heard about my origin story." He laughed awkwardly and stopped fiddling with his shirt, instead putting his hands in his lap. You shrugged and slumped your back against the boat's cool steel.

"I was in a pretty bad place after my parents were killed by werewolves, so Dean and Sam kind of just took me in. Here I am now, a cool assassin person who fights demons." You explained vaguely, not wanting to share the full story. "Anyways, are you hungry? I could go for some grub right now."

And that's how you met Kevin Tran, your downfall.

There's going to be multiple parts cause I loved writing this fight me.

I've felt like crap lately, so I've just been laying in bed and crocheting jellyfish. And you want to know something? I finally gave into my dad's pleas and started watching Gotham. WHY WAS I PUTTING THIS OFF???? THIS SHOW IS FABULOUS!!! I LOVE BRUCE WAYNE!!! AND SELINA KYLE OH MY GOD!!! ALFRED IS A DOLL AND NYGMA IS MY LITTLE WEIRD FORENSIC SCIENTIST THAT I LOVE SO BLOODY MUCH!!!!! THIS!! SHOW!!!

I've also been learning so much Danish lately that I feel like I'm forgetting how to English.

Anyways, that's what's up with my life. What's going on with you guys?

stay thirsty my memes,


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