Dean x Reader//Stupid Kid Things

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Song of Choice: Cliff's Edge- Hayley Kiyoko

Imagine: calling in an old friend for some help on a hunt.

Requested by BethanyHaydt

You clutched your phone close to your ear and squeezed your eyes shut tight as you hoped this number still worked. It had been years since you called it. You hadn't bothered to. But now, you needed all the help you could get.

"Hello?" You breathed out a sigh of relief, bruised lungs protesting at the movement. For a moment, you couldn't speak. The voice of your childhood best friend left you breathless. It was deeper, but it was still him. "Hello, who is this?"

"Sam? Is that you?" He muttered something under his breath. You assumed he was talking to Dean. Those two were always close, even though they fought. "It's Y/N."

"Y/N? Oh my god!" Sam laughed excitedly. "Dean? Dean! It's Y/N. Here, let me put you on speaker." He shuffled the phone around and suddenly, you could hear everything happening around them. The sound of the television, a dog barking in the distance, and a bottle cap falling to the floor.

"Hey, Winchesters." You murmured softly, mustering up all that you could out of your weak body. "How are you guys?" Somebody took a sip of their drink.

"Pretty good! How about you? Wait... what was that sound?" You picked up your gun and shot the lunging vampire, doing what you could to keep him at bay. Your machete was on the other side of the room and you couldn't move, much less reach it.

"Just a vampire," fell out of your lips as you shot him again. "Can't get to my machete, so I'm just shooting him over and over again until I run out of bullets. Oh yeah; I need your help."

"Where are you?" Sam's voice was filled with worry, and Dean had been unusually silent. You shrugged and watched the vampire struggle to get back on his feet, fangs sneering at you.

"Boise, Idaho. I'm in a warehouse off of Highway 7. You mind coming to help? My buddies are a bit... preoccupied." You looked over at their bodies and winced, shooting the vamp again and slowly reloading your gun.

"Yeah, we're on our way." They had already begun to trek to their car, slamming the doors shut and starting the engine. "Want us to stay on the phone?"

"Nah, you're fine. Just get here, please? I don't have many bullets left." In a few hours, they were bursting through the doors, machetes in hand. Dean whacked the remaining vampire apart, splattering blood across his blade and the room. Sam had run to your side and helped you up, apologizing every time he moved you in a way that stressed your wounds. When the room became silent, he dragged you to the car.

"Thanks for coming. I really owe it to you." You smiled as Sam helped you into the back. He returned the gesture.

"No problem. We may have not talked in a while, but you will always be my friend. How's your old man, by the way? I know our parents didn't leave off on the best note." You shrugged and shuffled around you you were slouched against the seat.

"He died a few years back. Took on a hunt while he was angry and drunk." Sam frowned and gave you a sympathetic pat on your shoulder.

"Sorry to hear that. Our dad isn't around anymore, either. But our mom is." You blinked dully. "It's a long story. Come on, let's get you patched up." Sam closed the door and hopped in the passenger side, eyeing Dean who shut him out by looking straight ahead at the road before him.

Throughout the ride back to your apartment, Dean was silent. It was unusual of when you'd known him, but you assumed he'd changed. Hell, he and Sam saved the world from an apocalypse more than once; that's got to hold down on their shoulders pretty heavily. Especially with the amount of losses they both went through.

"So, home sweet home." You chuckled bitterly as you opened the front door and let the two brothers in. Sam was chatting nonstop, trying to catch you up on what happened the last few years you'd been out of touch.

"Our friend Castiel ended up becoming God, but that didn't last long. It wasn't a smart idea. That released a bunch of leviathans into the world, and you can only imagine how terrible that was." You simply listened to him, taking in the fast-paced information as he patched you up. Caught in the middle of a sentence, his phone rang, leaving him with a soft smile as he went into the next room.

"Let me help you with that." Dean gruffly stated, taking the bandages you had grabbed from your hands. With gentle fingers, he dressed your wounds, no words being said, no eye contact appearing.

"How have you been, Dean?" You inquired, following his eyes, trying to catch his gaze just once. He shrugged and sat back, setting the bandages on the coffee table behind him.

"As good as I can." He stood with a grunt and sat down next to you, dropping his head into his hands. "It's been hell without you, Y/N." You wanted to cry, but you blinked back the tears.

"I missed you." With that, you laid your head on his shoulder with a content sigh. "I haven't missed hunting, though. I don't do much of it anymore, but sometimes it's a three person job. Sometimes it's even more." He nodded.

"Sorry about your friends." You didn't really feel like talking about recent losses, so you simply shrugged and reverted to silence.

"D-Dean, I know you and I didn't really have the best moment last time we talked. I wanted to apologize for that. It was a hard time for both of us because our parents constantly fought. I really thought they were going to make back up because they were the best friends, but they left off-" He turned his head and captured your lips with his, sweet bliss filling your lungs. Dean had definitely caught you off guard. He put his hand against your cheek, but pulled back when you winced.

"Ow," you laughed softly, a smile switching on, matching his own. You bit your lip and pulled him back in for a short peck.

"You don't have to apologize. It was stupid kid stuff." You shook your head jokingly and looked up into your eyes.

"You know we've never had just stupid kid stuff." Dean rolled his eyes. "I had a crush on you when we were younger." You blurted out, watching his giddy expression brighten even more.

"I still have one." He went to kiss you again, but a faked cough made him pull back and glare at his brother who had just put his phone away.

"I hope you know I got all of that on camera. 'No chick flick moments,' you say. Now I have all of the chick flick moments." Sam smirked and slid back into the shadows.

"Well then."

Happy New Year everybody! 2018 gave me some inspiration, so here's this. Took a bit to work it out to my liking, but I succeeded anyways!

Q: I know resolutions are cheesy, so let's do something else. What's one thing you'd like to receive in 2018?

A: I'd like to get some figure skates! My friend and I are trying our best to skate (keyword is trying).

- noelle

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