Gabriel x Reader//Vi Et Animo- With Heart and Soul

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Song of Choice: Drown in my Own Tears- Ray Charles

Summary: you die on a hunt and Gabriel mourns over the loss.
Requested by Hellz-Yeah

a/n: looking for a Supernatural chapter book that knocks off your socks? Look no further! One of my lovely readers has a book called Time in Days that she's working on! If you want to go check it out, you can find it on her profile floralvinyls! It's really cute!

Three minutes. After your heart stops beating, your brain is alive for another three minutes. You can't speak, hear, see, touch, but you can think. That's when you go through every moment of your life in a flash, the good and the bad, where tears were cried and where your eyes remained dry. You have three minutes to remember everything before you're gone.

That always terrified you. Everything in your life you'd done with a purpose, but most of it was bloodshed. You had a lot of red in your ledger and you didn't want to relive that, even if you were going to die minutes later. You knew of Heaven and Hell and Purgatory; you would go to one. And you would still remember.

The nights you were too tired to clean the blood off your hands and clothes so you would just lay down in bed and sleep, hoping nightmares wouldn't plague your thoughts. The days where you couldn't bear to get out of bed, much less breathe, but your body kept chugging away, anyways. You couldn't stop it and you didn't want to. Those days passed and better ones trickled through. However, you still remembered those days. You still went through them.

Today was one of them.

You could barely get yourself out of bed. You were going to stay and sleep in, but the Winchesters dragged you up and took you to a diner, ordering your favorite. They had these days too, so they knew what you needed. You couldn't get through it unless someone forced you to.

The diner booth was a lot more comfortable than the scratchy sheets of your rockhard motel bed, but you still longed to be back there, encased with sleep and a hazy mind. Instead you stared out the window, stabbing your food absentmindedly with your fork as you dreamed up a life where you weren't here. A life where you were sat in a lawn chair behind a picket fence, eyes full of optimism and content as your husband hung over your shoulder, offering you a drink.

"You okay, Y/N?" You blinked and your vision faded away, replaced with passing cars and the so cheery that it was uncheery sun. Dean sat to the side of you, hand on your shoulder, eyes full of concern. You smiled at him, but it didn't reach your eyes.

"Not really, but it's okay," you whispered shakily, gazing down at your food in sad thought. "It'll get better." Dean nodded and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you close, his fingers massaging little shapes into your skin. You sighed and laid your head on his shoulder.

He always knew what you needed, through rain or shine. That was the plus about having a friend so close you thought of him as a brother. He knew everything about you and he could read you better than you could yourself.

"If you want, you can sit out on this hunt." Sam stated, voice slightly muddled as he just swallowed a huge bite of his food. You shrugged and shook your head with a small smile. "You sure? It's just a werewolf."

"It's fine, Sam. You guys could use the extra help. God knows your ages are catching up with you." The Winchesters jokingly glared at you as you giggled. You settled down with a smirk and ate the rest of your food, your stomach rumbling happily before disappearing. With no scraps left, you were full.

"Alright, let's head out." Dean clapped his hands together and left a wad of cash on the table, winking at the waitress who was serving all of you. You rolled your eyes, knowing he left a huge tip just because she was his type. Brown hair, tan skin, happy, energetic eyes; what wasn't dreamy about her? However, like always, Dean walked through the door and never saw them again.

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