Castiel x Reader//Sweet Dreams

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Song of choice: Silent Night- Digital Daggers

Imagine: Cas carrying you to bed as you fell asleep studying

College. What a wonderful word- not. Right now you were in the library studying your ass off for finals. It was three in the morning and you had already consumed the whole supply of coffee you kept in the bunker. Not to mention you and the boys had a hunt to go on tomorrow right after your finals.

You were booked and tired. A yawn escaped your mouth as you turned the page of the book you were studying off of. Your notes were sat right next to you so you could look at them for the main purpose of every section.

"Y/n." Someone called. You turned around, your eyes bleary with sleep as you saw Cas standing there with his head tilted to the side in confusion. "What are you doing up this late?" He queried, walking closer to you. He understood how humans had to sleep to rejuvenate as he was once a human too.

"I'm studying for college exams tomorrow." You replied, your voice drowsy. Another yawn escaped and you stretched your sore arms after.

"How long have you been studying?" Cas stood right next to you as he looked down at your book. You flipped to the next page and sighed wearily.

"Since eight pm." You replied, eyes slightly closing.

"You should go to sleep then. You will do good on your exams if you've been studying that long." You looked up into his blue eyes and smiled softly. "You need sleep to do your best on the exam too." You shrugged before laying your head down on your arms and looking at the book.

"I can sleep later." You mumbled out, your eyes closing.

"Y/n?" Cas questioned as he saw you slump onto your arms. He received no reply so he picked you up gently and carried you back to your room. "Sweet dreams." He whispered as he covered you up in a blanket before flying out into the night.

Not my best. It's almost one in the morning and I have yet to sleep because I haven't written in a while and I didn't want to have a late update. I'm so dedicated guys. (Just kidding I usually go to sleep around two. Oops) Also I saw deadpool and let me say, that movie was amazing.

See ya later dolls,

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