Castiel x Reader//Frozen Fingertips

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Song of Choice: Dirty Paws- Of Monsters and Men

Imagine: you and Cas go ice skating!

Requested by IamDonnie

(a/n: I apologize for this)

"Come on, Cas!" You giggled, beckoning him forward with gloved hands. He smiled softly and followed after you, his feet getting caught in the snow and causing him to nearly topple over multiple times. "You have to lift your feet up higher." You stated, bringing your feet up as shown. "Like this!" He did the same and you laughed at how silly he looked with his feet raising like Bigfoot's.

"Why didn't we invite Sam and Dean?" He queried, tilting his head as he came closer to your frozen figure. "I think they would have enjoyed a day off." You shrugged and smiled sadly.

"They left on a hunt a few hours before I woke up without a word. Must be a hard one, considering they didn't let us come along." You responded, running a gloved hand through your hair. Castiel showed an expression of concern that you quickly reassured him of. "Trust me, they'll be fine. They know what they're doing. For now, let's just enjoy this day off!" You leaned down and clumped up a ball of snow, throwing it straight at your boyfriend's face. He held a deadpanned expression when the snow dripped off and down into his sweater that you had bought him.

"What was that for?" He muttered, blinking his blue eyes once and wiping the remnants of snow off of his skin with maroon gloves. You wiggled your eyebrows and smirked.

"It was for everything, Castiel. Now come on! The ice doesn't last forever." You ran off as best as you could through the snow and toward the lake that was located near the bunker. Last year, you and Dean had been scoping the place out and found this beautiful wonderland of glistening blue water and evergreen trees. It was like a scene out of a fantasy novel. Now, it was Cas' turn to visit the ethereal place that surely he would fall in love with as you had done to it and to him.

Through the forest the two of you trekked, singing hymns and talking about your dreams and sharing old stories that helped the cold slither away. The angel looked at you with such a fond smile, his love shining off of him in waves of tinkering snow, formed from the hands of Aphrodite herself. He was bewitched by you, and you were enamoured by him.

"Cas, have you ever thought about having a family?" You suddenly brought up, your voice going quiet and matching with the serenity of the land around you. He shook his head.

"No, I have not. I would not want to bring a child into this life. However, in the future, when things are no longer dangerous, I think I would like that." He smiled dreamily, crystal eyes hazing over as he thought of what could be with you. A cottage in the woods, vines dripping down the bricks. A trickling pond with Koi fish that the two of you fed every day, accompanied by young children who had smiles so bright they could rival the sun.

"I think we should do that, someday." You muttered with a bright smile. "It sounds wonderful. Oh, here we are!" You pushed through the branches of an Oak tree, opening up to the lake surrounded by pine trees with needles as dark as the green gloves you were wearing. "Isn't it beautiful?" Setting down your bag, you twirled around, arms spread out, embracing the beauty of it all with closed eyes and listening ears. When you stopped, you watched Castiel, eyes drinking up the sight before him. You laughed.

"Let's put on our skates. Have you ever ice skated before, Cas?" You bent down and opened your backpack, taking out a pair of pure white skates with fur along the edges of the top and setting them aside. He shook his head and took the skates you handed toward him. These were white as well with a mahogany bottom that connected to the blades. "Well, then I'll teach you! It's pretty easy once you get the hang of it." The angel nodded and the two of you sat in the snow, taking off your snow boots and replacing them with the figure skates. Once you stood, you helped Cas stand as well. He was a bit wobbly.

"Is this a past time that all humans partake in?" He inquired, tilting his head in his usual quirky way. You nodded and took his hand, leading him toward the lake.

"Most do, but usually during the winter. It's a winter sport, but I like to skate all year round. Now, brace yourself for the ice!" You stepped on, gaining your balance gracefully, holding out your open hand to his. He took it, now facing you, and you led him onto the ice. "Careful there!" He stumbled slightly, but soon was able to stand quite easily.

"Now, the tip is to glide. You fly with your wings. Think of that feeling, wind blowing through your feathers, maneuvering them so you don't hit anything. It's basically the same as that, at least, I assume." You giggled and started to skate backwards, still holding his hands so he wouldn't fall. At first, you went slow, laughing when he stumbled, and cheering when he glided so perfectly that even the angels up above were cheering him on.

"Alright, I'm going to let go. You seem to have the hang of it. Let's see how you do without an anchor." You winked, and in seconds, your hands had un-linked themselves from the chain you two had created. He stayed standing tall, gliding slowly against the ice. You yelled in happiness and excitement. "You got it! Good job, Cas!" He smiled at your gratitude and watched as you skated away from him, as graceful as a ballerina or as the snow that just began to fall.

His eyes twinkled in happiness and love. All he had were eyes for you. Swiftly, you twirled around and faced him from across the lake, waving at him. Castiel waved back. Suddenly, it became quiet. The ice beneath you creaked and you plunged into the rushing, cold water.

"Y/N!" The angel screamed, skating as quickly as he could toward the hole in the ice. He sat down and ripped his skates off of his feet, taking his coat off as well before diving under. With open eyes he searched the dark, bubbling waters, searching only for you. He saw you not too far away and began to swim closer and closer to your form as you began to sink, eyes closing, mouth opening to let go of the rest of the air that you had.

His arms wrapped around your waist, and, in seconds, you two were up in the air. Castiel gasped for oxygen as he pulled the both of you onto the ice, sliding himself and you away from the hole and toward safety. He positioned himself over you, his tears falling onto your skin, his hands pumping against your chest. "Come on, wake up." He whispered, voice frantic and filled with pain.

Castiel leaned down, pinned your nose shut and put his lips over yours, breathing air into your lungs. He pulled back and placed his hands over your heart, repeating the steps. He was not going to lose you. For minutes, he tried to revive you, and in those minutes, you didn't wake. His arms got tired and his body fell against you, taking off his gloves and placing his hands on your bare ones. your gloves had fallen off in your struggle against the water.

"Please, don't leave me." He whispered, sorrow taking over his body. With one final gust, he pushed himself up and laid his hands over your heart. White light seeped out from his palms and into you.

You shot up, choking on water, spitting out as much as you could. And with frozen fingertips, you laid your hand against his cheek and let a single tear fall down your own.

Hey... I know I said I apologize up there, but that was a lie. I don't apologize. SSUFFERRRRR

Nah, I'm just kidding. What are ya'll up to? I'm here in my room, curled up on my chair, stroking my plants, and inhaling the smell of apples and pumpkins. AUTUMN IS HERE MY DUDESSSS AUTUMN IS HEREEEE

stay thirsty my memes,

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