Castiel x Reader//Officially

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Song of Choice: Sing a Song- Earth, Wind & Fire

Imagine: "Okay I know that being in the woods at 2am is a weird thing to be doing but my friend called me and- wait, why are you in the woods at 2am, fuck I'm going to die aren't I?"  

"Who are you?" You asked incredulously, hand turning the flashlight around into a more comfortable grip in case you had to hit him over the head. The man stared back at you, barely blinking, almost robot-like.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" He questioned back, taking a slight look over his shoulder as if he was expecting something. You raised your hands in defeat.

"Okay, I know that being in the woods at two am is a weird thing to be doing, but my friend called me and-" You slowed down, eyes narrowing, heart sinking. "Wait, why are you in the woods at two am? Fuck, I'm going to die aren't I?" You brought the flashlight up like a bat with two hands and prepared to swing. However, another voice- a familiar voice- called out, making you stop and rethink. Was that who you think it was?

"Cas, we caught the thing! I can't believe it, you should've seen- oh jesus christ." She mumbled, eyes falling on you with your flashlight behind your head. "Why are you here, Y/N? It's dangerous." You stared at her blankly and let the flashlight fall down limply.

"You called me and it sounded like you were in danger, so I came to rescue you." Your friend scoffed and crossed her arms with a guttural laugh.

"First of all, you can barely protect yourself from a swinging door. And second of all, I'm pretty sure I butt-dialed you." With a nod, you turned around. "Wait, where are you going?"

"Back home," you called over your shoulder, "where my cup of coffee is waiting for me, thoroughly disturbed by you. Woah, what the hell is that?" Something came growling out of the bushes. It seemed human, but there was something off about the way its skin stretched over its bones. The man you were talking to earlier pulled on your shirt, making you stumble back to him, farther away from the... thing.

"F/N, get them out of there!" Another man roared, pulling out a gun and shooting the thing, scaring you to death. Your friend grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you behind her with the help of the strange man and maneuvering so if the thing wanted to kill you, it would have to go through her.

"What the hell is that?" You hissed, watching with wide eyes as the man and two others took turns tackling and shooting it. F/N rolled her eyes.

"It's a long story." With a final shot it fell to the ground. The taller man with brown hair hit it with a tire iron. You nearly vomited when the thing started to shrivel up and disappear.

"What the hell. What the hell." That's all you could really get your lips to form from the frenzy of your mind. "You just killed that thing and it didn't die normally. What the hell. What the hellity hell."

"Y/N, calm down." F/N shushed you, making you glare at her.

"Don't tell me what to do! You're the one who butt-dialed me and made me see this whole thing. It's two in the goddamn morning! I'm not supposed to be out in the woods. I should be sitting in my living room, binging Netflix, like I was doing before you called me." You blew up, eyes turning to them who had started looking at you in curiosity.

"Would you just stop talking for a second?" You stared at her in stunned silence. "Sorry, that came out rude. Anyways- Dean, you said there was only one." The three men came closer to you and F/N, hands bloodied, clothes a mess of mud and crumpled leaves.

"Well, apparently I was wrong. Things happen." You sighed and started to walk away, but F/N stopped you.

"Just hold on. I'll walk you to your car soon. I don't know if any more of those things are out here." You grumbled under your breath and watched the man you first met who was still staring curiously at you. With a soft smile, you ducked your head.

"Let's just scope out the place once more and head out, okay?" One of the other men stated. He was taller than the rest, but he looked less fierce. He had a sort of gentleness about him that the other two didn't have. Especially the one named Dean. He was full on evil Captain America. The one in the trench coat, though took on a nicer take as well. Not as nice as the gentle giant, but nicer than Dean.

"Hey," you suddenly spoke up, pointing at him. "You kind of look like Joey from Reinventing the Wheelers!" His only reaction was a tilt of the head and a slight, confused pout.

"Only you would meet a stranger and compare him to a fictional character," F/N wheezed. "Let me guess; Dean is Captain America and Sam is Clifford the Big Red Dog?"

"Okay, first of all, evil Captain America. He's too mean to be regular Steve. And secondly, Clifford? More like Bigfoot. Cryptids always come first." She just laughed again.

"Alright, whatever you say, Y/N. Could you stay here with Cas while we go check out the rest of the place? Got to make sure there's no more creepy crawlies." You shrugged at her words and gave her a go ahead signal with your hand.

"I still have no idea what you're talking about and am still not over the fact that your friends just shot a guy up, but sure." You chuckled nervously. "Just know that if your friend murders me, I'm going to haunt him until the end of his days." With that, the three of them left, leaving you in an awkward silence with this supposed Cas.

"So, uh, what kind of stuff do you like? You know, besides beating people to death?" He stared at you blankly with a slight flush in his cheeks that your flashlight caught in its last seconds.

"That wasn't a person, it was a shapeshifter. They can take the appearance of anybody they come across." You blinked.

"Okay then? I guess that makes more sense than what I was coming up with myself." He tilted his head. You took that as a sign to continue. "I was starting a theory that you guys were assassins who lured people into the woods to beat them up and kill them. But that wouldn't make sense because assassins are usually clean killers; they don't leave a huge mess, you know? And people don't just shrivel up out of nowhere. My theory wasn't really sound, but at least it was a theory." He chuckled a bit, a small grin taking place of his stoic stare. "What?"

"Cute," he said simply, blushing bright red afterwards. You copied him, your face heating up to the heat of the sun. At least, that's what it felt like. "I don't think we've officially been introduced. I am Castiel, Angel of the Lord." You nodded slowly.

"And I'm Y/N, coffee addict. Nice to meet you, officially." And with that, the three others came back empty handed. However, you didn't leave empty like they did. There was a new contact in your phone and a new conversation in mind. 

I'm sorry if this is really out of whack!! I could not focus at all whilst writing this and it's probably because of the amount of coffee I've consumed, but I'm going to blame it on writer's block. But hey, I got something out, even if it's shitty! 

Anyways, who thinks I should update my other imagines book? I think I should because that thing has been on hiatus since like February or March lol end me. Now I'm going to go and pick out an outfit for tomorrow because I'm going to a concert! Wish me luck and hope I don't die!

- Noelle

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