First Day of Halloween//Dean x Reader

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Song of Choice: Fox on the Run- Sweet

Imagine: you and Dean make a bet over who can kill the most people.

In the dark was where you crouched, waiting, watching. A heavy load was on your back, breathing as lightly as they could. You were as well, sucking in as little air as possible and letting even less out. This was a situation where noise couldn't be tolerated, where if any noise was made, the two of you would be dragged into something terrifying. As scary as a haunted asylum with feverish ghosts, ready to rip out your eyes with their nails.

Shivers fluttered down your back, either from the pressing cold of the unheated corridor or from the gorging fear that hit you with a tranquilizing dart.

"You ready for this?" Murmured from behind you, a dizzying sound that masked the musty songs coming from the rooms beside you. You nodded promptly and shifted so he could move from behind you. In his hand was a gun, but not just any regular gun that could kill or wound upon impact. It was a thing of its own creation. "Alright, you take left, I'll go right. Take out anybody who crosses your path. In three minutes, meet up back here. Got it?"

"See you in a bit, Dean." With a mock salute, you shoved him softly and carried down the hall, as quiet as a black widow and as stealthy as a panther. Dean did the same, gun down at his side, ready to be lifted up and fired if anything went wrong. An ox; he was equivalent to a fiery, brawny ox.

You sighed and pulled out your own. It was a dark purple with black veins climbing the sides, quite like crawling figs in a jungle. Overtaking until the sky and ground could no longer be seen, leaving only darkness in its wake. You smirked as you admired the beauty before once again focusing on the task at hand. Even though it was silent, you knew that something was lurking about, basking in the soundless air of nothingness.

There it was. Something whistled past your head, a streak of blue light in the blackness of blocked out light. You sidled yourself up to the wall, hiding behind a cart like a cat who just landed a pounce. Popping out from behind the guard, you fired two shots blindly into the distance. They lit up purple, like sparklers or candles managed by a witch. You heard a frazzled call of rapid vocal chords, a sound of pure anger and terror all at once. With a smirk, you stood up and continued on, knowing your opponent was officially down for the count.

"Strike one," you muttered under your breath, keeping count of the many beings you dropped to the ground. Of course, this wasn't even close to the start. Dean and you had been at this for hours, racking up points on who would bring the trophy home. And, as always, the victor would be you.

You jumped over the body that laid quivering on the floor, the light in their eyes having now vanished from your vanquishing shots. Another smirk, accompanied by a wink and a swift snap of your fingers.

Within a minute, you cleared two rooms, adding three more bodies onto your ever growing list. This now put you at twenty-five, three points ahead of Dean. Hopefully he hadn't gotten anymore kills. If he had, you may just be in for a bad day.

After a few more kills, your gun beeped, blinking a slow, light purple. You let out an irritated huff and covered the pulsing light as you made your way back to the meeting point. There, Dean already stood, leaning against the wall and twirling his gun in his hands. When he heard the light pitter patter of your shoes, he straightened up, a dark smirk twisting his features.

"Well, you're a bit late." He looked you up and down, taking in your ragged appearance with devilish eyes.

"Says the man who never arrives on time. I think I should get an excuse for this one moment." You rolled your eyes and pointed your fingers at him in the shape of a gun, sounding out a "pew" with your lips and rocking your hand upward. "How many kills do you have?" Dean prowled toward you on rocking feet, thumping only slightly louder than a mouse. He placed a hand on your shoulder, his lips near your ear, making a dizzy spell fall over you.

"Twenty-eight. And you, little miss lightning girl?" You clicked your tongue at his purring tone, pushing him back with two, light fingers. Grasping, you let your fingers curl around your sheathed gun and pulled it up, aiming the barrel at Dean's chest and pulling the trigger as fast as lightning strikes the ground.

"Twenty-nine." He gaped at you as the light in his vest flickered off, the light over head coming on only moments after.

"And we have a winner!" A voice cheered overhead from crackling speakers. When the lights were up, the graffiti on the walls was visible, as well as the cardboard barriers put up to protect you from the wrath of others.

"You just shot me." His jaw was still dropped, giving way to pearly white teeth. You chuckled and flipped your gun over your shoulder, shooting him a wink. "We had a deal, Y/N. You gave me your word."

"Well, my word has never been a priority of mine to keep." By this time, the two of you had exited, appearing at the main desk where a scattering of children, teenagers, and adults were stood. An overly eager man came up to you, a box in his hand.

"What's your name, winner?" You smiled and handed your gear over to the boy working behind the desk.

"It's Y/N." The man's grin widened.

"Well, congratulations, Y/N! You're the winner of our annual Halloween laser tag event! Here's your prize, the new Xbox One!" The man handed the box over to you as if it were fire, leaving you to struggle with a grip on the shiny cardboard and splintering corners.

"Thanks, man. Now, I would love to stay and chat, but I've got to get this baby up and running." You winked at him and motioned for Dean to follow behind you. He was grumbling, arms crossed over his chest like a little kid. "Don't worry, Winchester. Just because I won doesn't mean you don't get to use her." You put the box in the backseat of Baby before hopping in the passenger side, a smirk present and unable to be washed off.

"I hate you, I hope you know that." Dean stated with a lopsided grin, taking the wheel and beginning the journey back to your motel room that, for the next few days, was home. "That thing better have two controllers."

"I'm sure it does. Why would they give us an Xbox One without two controllers?" Dean shrugged and gave you a pointed look.

"Cheapskates?" You quietened, sitting still before frantically reaching into the backseat for the box. Turning your phone's flashlight on, you searched the box with your eyes.

"We're in the clear, Dean! It says there's two controllers in here." When you turned back around, flashlight now off, you and the elder Winchester high-fived. "Now, you know what the deal was, Dean."

"I know, I know. I'll give you it this time." You smirked and leaned back against the chair, arms crossing over your chest with an egotistical air.

"Oh, you're going to look so good as Wonder Woman, Dean. All the kids will love you."

"Bah humbug."

I assume you guys didn't predict that turn of events? Don't worry though, I'm going to give you all what you want. You'll see Dean in a Wonder Woman suit, so make sure to stay tuned for the rest of the five days of Halloween! Wonder Woman Dean is going to make an appearance in one of them.

Halloween question: What's your favorite movie to watch on Halloween?

stay thirsty my memes,

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