Dean x Reader//The More Oink, The More Win

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Song of Choice: Eye of the Tiger- Survivor

Imagine: Dean and you end up fighting over the last piece of pie.

(I forgot who requested this IM SO SORRY!!!!!! But if you know who you are, please comment or something so I can tag you!!!)

[Also I've probably already used this song oOPs]

You swiped your fingers across your cheeks, eyes glaring into themselves through the mirror. Determination. That's all you could see. Once the lines of green were on your cheeks, you wiped off your hands and tied a bandanna around your forehead. Game on.

Slowly, you creeped into the living room, hands clutching two different weapons. One, a squishy, oinking pig; the other, a can of green silly string. You were silent, like a figure skater skating gracefully across the rink, the only sounds they make their heaving breaths and their skates clashing against the ice. You were going to win this and you were willing to take down whoever you needed to.

"Um, what are you doing?" You let out a battle cry and turned around, oinking your rubber pig and aiming your can of silly string at the culprit. There stood Sam in all his tall, moose glory. You sighed and frowned, letting your arms fall to your sides.

"There's only one slice of pie left, Sam. One slice. War is happening." You spoke with deadly ferocity, your face portraying murder. "War." With that, you scampered off, leaving Sam shaking his head at your uniqueness.

"Hey, Sam!" A voice barked behind him, scaring the tall man. He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms when he saw his brother Dean in nearly the same get up you were in.

"What do you want?" He asked, voice monotonous with boredom and annoyance. Dean smiled and brought his pig up, the color of purple soaking its skin instead of your green.

"Have you seen Y/N?" Sam did not reply in words. He simply pointed in the direction you went before walking to the garage, deciding to drive around until the two of you cleared up this little civil war.

Now, you weren't the only one crouching somewhere hidden. Dean was also bouncing from wall to wall, using whatever cover he could. However, he wasn't as experienced as you. After many a Nerf tournament with the kids down your old house's street, you were good at being subtle. Dean, however, was as obnoxious as a bear. You could hear his pounding footsteps from yards away, so you knew how to attack. With a grin, you ninja rolled out of your hiding place behind the couch and stood behind a door, eyes searching through the crack between the hinges.

He would be here soon.

None to late, he arrived. That was when you would strike. With a battle cry and another oink of your rubber pig, you jumped out from behind the doorway and bombarded Dean with silly string. "For my country, for my planet, for the universe!" You screamed. "Bow down before your mighty king!" Dean was screaming like a sissy, running in a zig zag pattern throughout the sitting room, trying to find a place to hide from your onslaught of terror. "You are a loser!" You yelled, oinking your pig once again.

"I have won!" And you had. Dean raised his pig, having it let out a sad oink. Defeat for him, victory for you. You snatched the purple pig from his hands and, at the same time, oinked both pigs. A sign of your victory. Dean stood up with a glare as you smiled in pride. "Beat that, Winchester." You smirked and waved the pigs in the air. "I am the victor, here. I have won the gold!"

"Yeah, whatever." He scoffed, sounding angry, though you could see the sparkle in his eyes. Never in his life did you think that he would have dreamed of a week off of hunting like this, fighting against each other with war paint on your cheeks and a silly, near death. "Go eat your prize."

Suddenly, you both heard a door open in close. In walked Sam seconds later, a few grocery bags in his hands and a herbal smoothie in his fist. "Hey guys, I got some pie." You and Dean looked at each other. In seconds, you had thrown Dean his pig, and the two of you began to attack.

"Give us the pie!" Sam's eyes widened and he dropped the grocery bags, hopping up onto the stair just behind him.

"You two are like greedy pigs." In response, you oinked your pigs.

This is literal shit posting but honestly who? Cares? I LOVE IT!!! Also, whenever I wrote victor or victory, all I could think of in my head was 'viktor nikiforov viktuuri viktor nikiforov viktUURI.' That's all my mind can come up with right now.


edit: I forgot to tell you... I have an archiveofourown account!! I've got one drabble up so far. It's a voltron one, but there will be more to come!! I'll have some Supernatural ones on there too. I'm not going to post them on here or anywhere else, so if you want to see some new stuff, check there! The account is soriasai if any of you are interested!

Anyways, what's up with you???

stay thirsty my memes,

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