Sam x Reader//Winning Your Heart

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Song of choice: Sick of Losing Soulmates- Dodie Clark

Imagine: falling in love with Sam and Lucifer and having to choose between the two

Requested by Tiger-Lilyxx

That smirk. That goddamn smirk was what made you start falling for him. The Winchesters and you had finally got Lucifer in chains and all he did was smirk that little, smug smirk at you. Not them, you. When the Winchesters left for food and you stayed back to watch Lucifer, he spoke. You couldn't help but fall in love with his voice.

"Why don't you let me out, sweetheart? There's so much more I could do for you than your Winchester boyfriend could." You narrowed your eyes at him and stayed silent as you had nothing to say. What were you supposed to say to the previous king of hell anyway? "Come've got nothing to say? Seriously?"

"Would you just shut up." You murmured, mind far too deep into the sound of his voice and his piercing eyes. Lucifer laughed and smiled at you that held a mischievous glint.

"Feisty. I could get down with that." He pondered out loud, causing you to raise an eyebrow. Before you could retort, the bunker door banged open and you heard the loud voices of two, bickering brothers. That's when you left the room, unable to stand it. How could you be falling for someone when you had just gotten Sam back?

"Hey sweetheart!" Sam chirped as he wrapped his arms around you when you came into view of the kitchen. You grinned at his happy expression. "I got you your favorite, so dig in!" You nodded and let him lead you into the kitchen with an arm around your shoulders in a loving manner. He was perfect.

Weeks. Lucifer has been in your basement for weeks, and each time you see him, you fall in love even more. Yet, you hadn't fallen out of love with Sam. It felt weird to have romantic feelings for two men. Well, one man and one unnatural creature.

You closed your eyes and shifted, feeling Sam's arms tighten around you. Sleep hasn't came ever since he's been down there, trapped. Sam knows something is going on with you; you're having trouble eating and focusing. It's like your a shell of who you used to be. Who knew love could do this to you?

It was surprising that no one had figured out your feelings yet. Though, you had a feeling that Dean knew; he knew everything regarding human emotion. He had to know what was going on, yet stayed quiet. Dean probably wanted you to work it out yourself.

He was like that.

You sighed and got up, careful not to disturb Sam as he slept peacefully. Silently you creeped into the room you had Lucifer chained up in. He opened his eyes and smirked at you.

"Have you finally come around?" He chided, sneaking into your head and trying to change your thoughts. But he couldn't change them.

"Get out of my head." You growled out through clenched teeth, and that was that. The bookcase slammed shut on the room and you smiled. You felt it; your heart mending itself as you kept your promise to the one and only thing that has kept you going throughout all of this.


This is short and I have mixed feelings on whether I like it or not. Whatever though!!!

If any of you have not sent in a message for Jared yet, feel free to! I'm taking them until August 1st. The date might change depending on how many messages I have by then.

stay thirsty my memes,

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