Dean x Reader//Dangerous

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Song of choice:  I Get To Love You- Ruelle

Imagine: going on a dangerous shapeshifter hunt with Dean

Requested by (I deleted the post and forgot oops I'll find out sooner or later)

a/n: grab a box of kleenix

"No splitting up this time, alright?" Dean muttered, knife out in defense. "This son of a bitch has already bested us once, he's not doing it again." You nodded and gripped your knife tighter in your hand. The two of you had been hunting this shifter for the last week. He'd been on a murder frenzy and wouldn't stop until he was killed which the two of you were going to do now.

"I heard a noise." You hissed, starting to walk in the direction of it but being pulled back by Dean.

"No splitting up, remember?" He replied, arm wrapping around your waist. You smirked and twirled out of his grip.

"It's not splitting up if you follow behind me." Dean didn't reply back which made you curious. You looked over your shoulder to where he was standing and saw nothing. It looked like he hadn't ever been there before. You sighed and pulled out another knife, turning around and facing the shifter who appeared out of seemingly nowhere. There was no time to react before he hit you over the head and gave you a gleaming smile as you blacked out.

Your eyes groggily opened, head pounding painfully. With a pull of your arms you realized you were tied up with rope. A groan escaped your lips as you sat up as best you could, world tilting with your head. Dean was nowhere to be found, so you guessed he was in another room. The door opened far before you could figure out a way out of your restraints and the shifter, who appeared as Dean, walked in with a shit eating grin on his face.

"Sleeping beauty is finally awake." He cheered as he twirled a knife in his hand. You narrowed your eyes at him as he got in your face, green eyes void of any emotion. "You want to play a game?"

"The only game I want to play is you untying me and letting me beat your ass." You snarled out with a fury filled voice. He smiled and put the knife over your neck as the door was busted down and the real Dean with red burns around his wrists came in. His eyes held fire as he lunged at the shifter who quickly plunged the knife into your chest. Dean killed the shifter and untied you, hand held over the wound. His eyes were panicked as you grew more drowsy.

"You can't die on me sweetheart, you just can't." You smiled weakly at him and gripped the sleeve of his jacket. "I love you Y/N, please don't leave." His cheeks were covered in tears as he spoke in a cracked voice filled with pain.

"I love you too Dean." You whispered before finally letting your eyes close and peace wash over you.

"No, no no no. Y/N, wake up!" Dean frantically shook you, trying to make you wake up. He couldn't see through his tears as he grasped you into a hug. "Cas, Cas please!" The green eyed man whimpered out, knowing it was already too late.

He was always too late.

Haha so I have a story to tell you. Maybe it'll release your hearts from the pain I just caused you? Who knows!!

Anyways, yesterday I was at a speech competition and my group was getting up on the fake stage, waiting for the judge to finish doing her judging on the last group. So, as we waited, I decided to look around and glanced over at this guy who was slouched in his chair with his phone up as if he was trying to secretly take a picture of one of us.

It was adorable. (And I think it was aimed at me? It looked like it. However, I have no idea!!)

So tada, there's a story. Now I must get back to work on English and watching the magicians!!

stay thirsty my memes,

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