Fourth Day of Halloween//Gabriel x Reader

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Song of Choice: Thriller- Michael Jackson

Imagine: f a n g s and the jersey devil!

"What are you wearing?" With a raised eyebrow, you glanced over Gabriel's outfit once more, stifling laughter. Your throat felt strained from the humor you were trying to hide. Gabriel looked down at his outfit and hissed at you, showing two, gnarly and pointy teeth.

"I'm Dracula." He laughed maniacally, throwing his hands up into the air as he spoke in an overexaggerated voice. "And you must be Frankenstein." Back in his regular voice. You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest.

"I'm the Jersey Devil." You muttered shamefully, cheeks heating up. "You of all people should know that considering you're the one who sits in with me while I watch Buzzfeed Unsolved."

"Correction: you force me to watch Buzzfeed Unsolved." Your jaw dropped, arms falling to hang by your sides. Gabriel frantically cleared his throat and clapped his hands, changing the subject quicker than a cheetah could run. "A-Anyways, let's get to this party!"  He reached for your hand and dragged you out the door, locking it behind the two of you. You both exited your apartment building slowly, chatting about conspiracy theories and other Halloween crap. When you tried to make it into your car, Gabriel put a hand on your shoulder and zapped you to the party.

"Gabe! You better not get drunk because you have to zap us back then." He shrugged and wiggled his eyebrows before strutting inside the open doors to the beat of the music that was louder than a bomb. You rolled your eyes back into your head, but followed after him anyways. "Don't you dare run away from me, Gabriel! I am not letting you have a sugar blackout. Last year was too much." The honey-eyed angel just flipped you off before losing you in the crowds, most likely making his way to the sweets table. Just when you were about to call for him again, a voice interrupted you.

"Y/N! It's so good to see you!" Someone hugged you from behind and, with wide eyes, you recognized the bubbly blonde.

"Donna! My favorite Minnesotan. How have you been?" She smiled and shrugged her shoulders as she let go of you, a frothy drink in her hands.

"Oh, ya know, police work and whatnot." She leaned in with a hand cupping her lips to your ear. "I actually caught a werewolf case. Solved it myself! It was just a lone wolf, so I didn't want to bother Sam and Dean, ya know?" You smiled and gripped her hand excitedly.

"Good job, Donna! Soon, maybe you'll be as good as a Winchester." You wiggled your eyebrows suggestively, watching her laugh off your words with a joyful bubble. "What's your costume?"

"Oh, I'm a donut. Pretty clever, eh?" She swirled about, showing off her round costume. You giggled and poked the inflatable donut. "Police officers like donuts, so I thought I'd see how many I can attract. Nothing better than a donut!"

"I think you and your donut could attract anyone, missy." She chuckled and winked at you before bidding a goodbye. In seconds, you were dragged into another conversation, this time involving Charlie, Alex, Claire, and Jody.

"If they start playing Thriller, I am going to leave." Claire complained, crossing her arms and distributing all of her weight onto her left leg. You tilted your head, waiting for Charlie to burst out her reply.

"How can you hate Thriller? Michael Jackson was a genius!" There it is. The ginger's eyes looked like they were going to bug out of her head. Claire just rolled her eyes and screamed in agony once Thriller began to play.

"Speak of the devil."

"Speak of the Jersey Devil." You winked, motioning at your costume. Claire glared at you with such ferocity that you thought you would burn just from her stare. However, a smile lit up your face when Charlie laughed. "Great, right?"

"I'm done with you people." Claire walked away, muttering obscenities as Alex and Jody followed after her like lost puppies. You glanced at Charlie and shrugged your shoulders before pulling her onto the dance floor, teaching her the dance to Thriller.

"How do you know this whole thing?" She squealed, watching you dance like a zombie.

"Ah, sixth grade, lip sync contest. We won, by the way." You smirked. As soon as the song ended, Charlie went to get a drink, leaving you to wander off the dance floor.

"Y/N!" Somebody screamed from behind you, causing you to jump. They giggled like a little child and, just with that, you knew who it was. You also knew that someone had already had way too much candy.

"Gabriel..." You turned around slowly, eyes slightly hooded as you were afraid of what you were going to see. There Gabriel stood in all of his glory, a dry ice drink in his left hand and a bowl of candy under his right arm. "Gabriel, give me the bowl. No more." He pouted out his bottom lip, a slight whine escaping his lips, barely heard over the pounding music. "Gabe-"

"Who you gonna call? GhostBusters!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, nearly dropping both his drink and the candy.

"Gabriel I swear to god, give me that candy!"

"That's rude to swear on my father." You threw your hands up in the air with an audible groan. He was like a child. A drunk, sugar high, child.

"Okay, let's make a compromise. I'll let you keep the candy, if you take us home." He nodded clumsily as he clutched his fingers against the orange, pumpkin bowl. Surprisingly, the angel placed his fingers against your forehead and took you two back to your apartment, unknowledgable to Donna's quiet chuckling. "Alright buddy, let's get you to bed."

"But the night's barely over!" You rolled your eyes and sighed as he dug his feet into the ground. "Let's watch a scary movie. I say The Purge!" He dragged you over to the couch, snuggling you under his free arm, the other cuddling his candy bowl. With a snap of his fingers, the movie started to play.

"You're such a child." You mumbled under your breath, laying your head on his shoulder and relaxing into his body.

"Yet you still love me."

"Yet I still love you."


Halloween question: What's your favorite conspiracy theory?

stay thirsty my memes,

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