Winchesters x Sister!Reader//We Will Be Okay

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Song of choice: Hold Back The River- James Bay

Imagine: someone close to you dies and the boys comfort you

Requested by @MrsThorinOakenshield

You put the phone down numbly as the person on the other end hung up. Slowly you sat down feeling as if this moment wasn't happening. But it was. They had died; it was peaceful though. At least that's what the police officer had told you in a kind, sympathetic voice. That didn't help the news settle easier though. Usually it helps the tiniest bit, but it didn't with you. A sob crawled up your throat as you covered your mouth with your hand and closed your e/c eyes. They were gone; they were really, seriously, in real life gone.

You screamed. You screamed into your a hand a scream full of pain and heartache. Your brothers cam running into the living room, guns in hand and terrified expressions of their faces. Once they saw no danger they put their weapons down and came to your side.

"What happened kid?" Dean queried with concerned eyes as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. You buried your head in his shoulder to muffle the sobs that wouldn't stop and to hide the tears rolling down our face.

"They're dead, Dean. Dead." He sighed and hugged you tightly to him as Sam rubbed your back and whispered reassuring words.

"It's going to be okay Y/N. You'll get through this." He mumbled. Dean looked up at Sam, both sharing a similar expression of helplessness on their faces. They didn't know what they could do to help you; little did they know that being there was just enough for you. As long as they didn't blurt out 'I'm sorry for your loss.' That only made you feel worse, and they knew it.

Dean started humming softly, rocking you back and forth. Sam kissed the top of your head and wiped tears from under your eyes. You couldn't wrap your head around what happened; they were gone. Never to be seen again. Gone. You didn't understand what to do.

"They're gone." You cried out with such pain that the boys' hearts shattered into pieces. Their little sibling was in pain and there wasn't anything they could say or do to make the hurt lessen. "They didn't deserve this. No, no they didn't deserve this."

"I know, kid. No one does. But they're in a better place now. We can have Cas check up on them whenever you want him to, okay?" Dean proposed, trying to cheer you up. "It's going to be okay."

"But what if it never is?" You muttered, bringing your head up to look into his eyes. Dean gave you a pained smile before kissing your forehead.

"It will be. Or else I'll have to tickle the sadness out of you." You laughed slightly causing your brothers to smile.

"We're going to get through this." Sam stated, no place for arguing. You glanced up at him and smiled slightly before nodding.

"We're going to get through this," you repeated as if testing the words on your tongue, "we're going to get through this."

The Winchester kids never backed down from a fight; they weren't going to back down from this one either.

This is short. Again. IM SORRY!!!!!!!! But I do hope this is kinda like grieving or whatever because luckily I've never had to grieve before. Besides for when my dog died, but let's not think about that.

stay thirsty my memes,

(not spell checked)

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