Dean x Reader//A Number Of Times

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Song of choice: Already Home- The Great Big World

Imagine: Dean continuously tells the reader that he loves them but they never respond. One day he snaps and you tell him why you can't say 'I love you too.'

Requested by @esmearnold


"I love you." Dean whispered, pulling you in for a hug. He kissed your cheek gently, just a hint of a touch between skin. Your eyes squeeze shut and you bury your head into the crook of his neck;


"Rough case?" You questioned when Dean wrapped his arms around your waist with a sigh. He nodded against your back, staying right beside you as you cooked dinner for the both of you, Sam already in bed.

"It was a terrible case." He whimpered, breaking down yet no tears escaped him. You exhaled softly and turned around, lifting his head with a gentle pull of your hand. Dean's green, watery eyes poured into yours, every ounce of pain and sadness etched into the flecks. He shook his head and you let him bury it in your chest, reaching behind you and turning off the stove. "We couldn't save her," he muttered, "we couldn't save..."

"It's going to be okay sweetheart, it'll all be okay." You hushed him, stroking his sandy hair. Tears seeped into your shirt but you didn't care as you continued to sing to him. After a few minutes he stood back up and kissed you deeply, sugary lips contacting yours. Dean pulled back and stared into your e/c eyes.

"I love you; I love you so goddamn much." He muttered, pulling you in for another kiss. You smiled once he pulled back and turned around, flipping the stove on and continuing to make dinner.


Music pounded throughout the bunker with you right in the middle of it, swinging your body back and forth to the tune as you cleaned. Dean came into the room with a chuckle and an amused smile as he watched you contently. You raised a rag-filled hand and swung the fabric around as you twirled, stopping once you saw your boyfriend's face. Crinkles appeared by his eyes as he grinned at you, your lips reciprocating the call. You held out a hand for him, indicating him to join as your song came on.

Dean laughed and stepped into your arms, his going around your waist whilst yours captured his neck softly. The two of you slow danced to the not-even-close-to-being-slow song, laughing along as you did. He twirled you and brought you back in, slowly stopping once the song came to an end. You stared at each other, eyes watching the love twist and turn in both your eyes.

"I love you." He whispered, causing you to pull him closer and lay your head against his chest.


Dean pulled back from you with a disgruntled look on his face. You frowned and reached for him but he stepped back once more.

"Why won't you say it back?" He demanded, crossing his arms across his chest. You tilted your head to the side slightly making him throw up his hands in annoyance. "Why won't you say you love me?" Dean's voice fell to a whisper, not angry with you, just sad. "Do you not love me? Are you sick and tired of me?" To each of his questions you shook your head rapidly. "I love you, please say you love me because I love you so much!"



"I do!" You screamed, tears rolling down your face. "I so badly want to tell you but I can't." Dean's forest eyes watered but he pushed back the tears, scoffing and gesturing to you.

"Then why won't you say it?" He spat out. You let out a sob and ran a hand through your hair. A clump of hair was grasped in your hand which made you cry even more as you let the huge ball float to the ground.

"I have melanoma, Dean." You finally choked out, clutching both hands into fists. He stared at you, confused at what you had just said. You laughed bitterly and tore your gaze away from his and down to the ground, unable to watch how his face would break. "Cancer. I have inoperable cancer."

"W-what? You can't, you can't have cancer Y/N!" Dean yelled causing you to look up through your soaked eyelashes. "You can't..." You smiled sadly as he came closer to you, wrapping his arms around your frame.

"I do and the doctors can't take it out." You cried. "They can try but they said I'm too weak to be able to survive through chemo and surgery. I'm too weak Dean." The both of you had tears streaking down your faces and muddling in your clothes as you held each other tight, breaths tangling together.

"But I love you, this can't happen."


"I love you too."


This is kind of short so sorry! But I finally got some free time to write and it felt so good. However now I have to sleep and go to school tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have time thanksgiving and christmas break.

(I'm terrified for thanksgiving my crazy hug-loving aunt is coming and so are a ton of other people I HATE TOUCHING AND INTERACTING WITH LIVING BEINGS OTHER THAN MY DOGS SOMEONE SAVE ME)

So I hope you guys enjoyed this! This imagine is probably really sad because I'm high on flu meds and I just watched one of my favorite fictional characters get hit by a bus and die so I'm feeling a lot of feels right now.
(Also if you have any PLEASE send in requests cause I am out!)

stay thirsty my memes,

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