Dean x Reader//A Hunter's Best Friend

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You've always wanted a pet. But living on the road was not a good life. So you put it off until one day. And that day was today. You found a puppy on the streets, hurt and scared, so you took him in your arms and brought him to the motel you and the boys were staying at. "Did you get the pie?" You heard Dean ask excitedly. Crap, you forgot the pie. Now they're gonna be even more mad at you. You sighed and hid the rain soaked pup into your brown leather jacket. When you walked to the living room, Dean's face fell when he saw no pie. "No pie?" He asked sadly.

"Nope, sorry. I kind of got sidetracked." You spoke nervously. Dean raised his eyebrow as if saying for you to continue. You pull the pup out of your jacket. "Surprise?"

"Um, Y/N, why are you holding a puppy?" Samsquatch asked suspiciously. You laugh nervously and shrug.

"I uh found him on the streets scavenging for food so I thought I'd take him in." You said. "Can we please keep him! I don't want to leave him. Look at his face!" You push the puppy towards their faces. Dean sighed while Sam laughed.

"I'm okay with it. What about you Dean?" Sam answered and turned to look at Dean. You looked at him with pleading eyes as you clutched the puppy. He looked at the puppy and then at you and back at the puppy. He sighed once again.

"You better not let him pee all over baby. If he does, he's out." Dean stated sternly. You squealed and hugged him tightly whilst being careful not to squish the puppy.

"Thank you so much Dean! You are amazing!" You chirped. As you ran off to your motel room, you heard Dean chuckle. "Okay, what should I name you?" You said after stepping into your room and closing the door. The puppy barked and looked at you. "How about Blaze?"

The puppy shook his head. "No, okay. Maybe Max?" Once again, the puppy disagreed. You grunt in frustration. "Wait! How about Bo?" The puppy barks excitedly and turns around in circles. You laugh and pick up the pup. "Welcome to the family Bo." You murmur softly.
"Alright, does everybody have everything?" Sam questioned as you all were about to get into the Impala. Dean nodded and you did the same. You had Bo cuddled up in your arms, sleeping.

"Alright, time to hit the road!" Dean says whilst getting into the drivers side. You giggled softly and got into the backseat with Bo. Bo opened his chocolate eyes sleepily and looked at you.

"It's alright. Go to sleep Bo. I'll keep you safe." You spoke gently. Little did you know, Dean was looking at you through the rear view mirror with a smile on his face. Dean started up baby with a rumble and the four of you started off to a new adventure with a new friend.
"Hey Y/N, we're here. You've got to wake up." Someone said as they shook you gently. You groaned in protest and turned away. "C'mon Babe, you can sleep inside."

"Carry me." You slur tiredly. The man chuckles and picks you up with ease. Opening your eyes a little, you see Dean already looking down at you. "Where's Bo?" You murmur.

"Sam has him. Now go to sleep. I'm not carrying you for nothing." He joked. You chuckled and cuddled into his side. You swear you could hear his heart beat faster. You feel yourself being shifted and then a door being opened.

"Hey you get Y/N up?" Sam asks. "Never mind." He answers himself as he turns back around. "I found a case in Wisconsin, people are getting their hearts torn out."

"It's probably a werewolf." You whisper sleepily whilst your eyes are still closed. "It sounds like a werewolf. Now bring me to bed, Dean-o. I'm tired and want to go to sleep." You demand. Dean laughs and plonks you down onto a lumpy bed. Nonetheless, you curl up and try to get to sleep.

"Do you need the covers Y/N/N?" Dean queries softly. You grunt, in response, Dean pulls the covers over you. "Sleep tight Babe." He kisses your forehead and walks off. Where? You don't know, all you can focus on is the warmth Dean left on your forehead and the smile growing on your face.


She's adorable when she sleeps, I decide as I look over her. "You trying to Edward Cullen the girl, Dean?" Sammy asks with a chuckle. I clear my throat and shake my head whilst turning away to grab a beer. Sitting down at a chair near the table, Sammy continues on about the case. A bark breaks us out of our hunting reverie and we turn over to Bo who was staring at Y/N with concern.

"What's wrong Boy?" I ask as I walk over. A frown is placed over Y/N's face with creases near her eyebrows. She kept mumbling and moving around, a nightmare. I wake her up before it gets worse. "Hey, Y/N/N, wake up. It's alright." She opens her beautiful E/C eyes and turns to me. "You okay?" I ask, concerned. The door clicks and I look over. Sammy left the room.

"I had a bad dream." She whimpers making her lip quiver. I pull her into a hug and rock her back and forth. Y/N starts humming Carry On My Wayward Son softly, making me fall deeper into a pit called love. I hum along and soon I'm the only one humming, as Y/N has fallen fast asleep. I look down at her ethereal features, her H/L H/C locks, and her lips that held a small smile. Smiling back at her, I bend down and kiss her on the forehead.

"Goodnight Babe." I whisper. "I love you."

Hiiiiiiiiii friendssssssss

Byeeeee friendssssssss

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