Dean x Reader//The Seducer//Part Two

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Song of choice: Bite- Troye Sivan

Imagine: during a hunt, Dean ends up saving you, the one person he is unable to keep his eyes off of when he goes on YouTube.

Part two of 5sauce7533 's request

"S-So, it's all real?" You let out a small gulp, eyes wide as you watched Dean wrap your wrist in gauze. Sam nodded from out of the corner of your eye as he shuffled through his bag in search for a drawing pad. "That means that vampires are real, right?" This time Dean was the one to nod as he taped the gauze in place. "Please tell me they don't sparkle." The green-eyed man let out a gruff chuckle as he turned his gaze to you.

"Luckily, no." You smiled softly and reached out a ginger hand to his cheek. A cut from the siren's nails had crusted up on his cheek in a dark scab. Dean's pupils subtly enlarged as you got closer, cotton candy breath mixing with his mint.

"Should you put a band-aid on that?" You queried, pulling back your hand and resting your towel covered back against the cheap, hotel couch. Dean shrugged and stood with a grunt, taking a sweatshirt out of his bag and handing it to you as you shivered. "Thank you." He nodded and sat down on the arm of the couch you were seated on as you shrugged the towel off your shoulders and tugged the sweatshirt over your head.

"Okay, the siren looks a bit different than what we've got in the lore pages that Garth sent us." Sam stated, nonchalantly breaking through the ice. "It had blue eyes while it states in here that their eyes are all a glossy white." You furrowed your eyebrows at Sam's answer, eyes following Dean as he grabbed a beer out of the fridge.

"Maybe this one's special." Dean suggested, taking a swig of the drink. The brothers started to debate back and forth, talking about things that just confused you as you attempted to keep up. You began to raise your hand as if you were in class before remembering that you were allowed to speak.

"Uh, how are we going to get the siren to go back home?" Slipped from your lips shyly as you pulled the sleeves of Dean's sweatshirt over your hands. Sam and Dean turned toward you, releasing themselves from their brotherly debate.

"Well," Sam began to explain, "we have to find somebody that the siren is attracted to." He gave you an awkward smile as he closed his phone, causing the screen to turn black.

"How will you know if a siren is attracted to someone?" You inquired, voice dripping with curiosity. Sam wrinkled his forehead in thought as he scanned his mind for the answer.

"I think the siren will take something from the person it likes. In the lore, I read that it usually takes something to do with the ocean. Something like a seashell or maybe a pearl." He proclaimed. Your mouth produced an o shape as you thought back to your encounter with the deadly beautiful creature.

"Uh, they took a seashell from me." You chuckled nervously, shrugging slightly. Dean's head snapped up, eyes catching yours. They were wide with slight terror, his jaw locking in determination. "Yeah, I offered them a seashell to see if that would make them leave me alone, but it didn't." You smiled in exasperation, standing up from the lumpy couch and crossing your arms across your body. "So, are we going to use me as bait? As long as the siren doesn't touch me again, I'm down with it." 

"No, we're not using you as bait." Dean affirmed, ignoring the glare that Sam was sending his way. You tilted your head in confusion and pulled open your backpack, taking out a stick of gum.

"Then how are we going to get the siren to go home?" Sam crossed his arms and turned toward his brother with a raised eyebrow and a knowing look.

"Yeah Dean, how are going to get it home?" Dean gave Sam a dirty look before sending you a smile and pulling his brother away to the disconnected bathroom. "We have to use her as bait, or this thing is going to kill more people." Sam hushed out, staying quiet so you couldn't hear. 

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