Dean x Reader//The Seducer//Part One

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Song of choice: All I Want- Kodaline

Imagine: during a hunt, Dean ends up saving you, the one person he is unable to keep his eyes off of when he goes on YouTube.

Requested by 5sauce7533

Your voice was a murmur in the background as the sizzle of grease spitting from the pan rose in sound. Dean flipped pancakes and took the bacon off the stove, placing the multitude of pieces onto separate plates. Once the pancakes were the golden color of honey, he turned off the stove and set the plates down in their rightful spots; one for his brother Sam, and one for himself. Dean grabbed a fork and syrup, sitting down once he had everything in place. He munched happily on his food and watched you speak excitedly about something on his laptop. Dean chuckled, which gained a chuckle back from none other than Sam who had just sauntered into the room at the smell of food.

"You're never going to stop watching her, are you?" He questioned his brother as he sat down and dug into the excellent breakfast that Dean had made. The eldest Winchester subconsciously shook his head as he clicked on another video as the one he was watching had ended. "So get this; I found us a case." Sam raised an eyebrow at his brother whose ears were only on the laptop in front of him. The younger Winchester rolled his eyes and reached forward, shutting the lid of the laptop gently. "We have a case." Dean nodded and shoved the last piece of bacon into his mouth.

"Where are we headed?" He queried, mouth full. Sam grimaced before turning his laptop to his brother. "Georgia?" Sam nodded and flipped the Apple product back around, pressing a button and efficiently turning the machine off.

"I've already got my bags packed, so whenever you're ready, we'll hit the road." Dean nodded and watched as Sam picked up his plate and left the kitchen. He shrugged and flipped open his laptop, un-pausing your video with a smile.

"I can't believe that I got attacked by a trolley. It was like the Marauders jinxed it to attack me as a prank." You giggled to the camera, switching topics at lightning speed. "Anyway, I have news! I'm going to Georgia! Savannah to be exact. Hopefully I'll meet some of you there! If you see me walking around, feel free to say hi." Dean's eyes widened as he took a glance at the laptop Sam left behind. he quietly turned it on and saw what city they were visiting; Savannah, the exact place you would be. In a frenzy, Dean scooted his chair back and ran to his room to pack his bag. He needed to get this creature on lock down before you arrived.

The boys were out of the house at the speed of light due to Dean's calls of 'hurrying up' even though Sam had been ready for an hour already. When Dean started the Impala and screeched out of the garage, you had already began your travels to Savannah as well. "I don't understand why I have to go to this specific shop, but okay." You laughed into the phone as you turned your blinker on and switched over to the right lane. The car in front of you slammed on their brakes, causing you to drop your phone and stop mere inches from the car in front of you. You let out a loud breath of air and picked up your phone. "Sorry, but I'm going to have to call you back."

Your best friend said her farewells before you hung up the phone and turned up the radio, eyeing the road warily. "There was literally no reason for you to stop." You stated into the air as you stopped at the red light. "Nobody was anywhere close to the front of your car. Oh, my hotel! I'm here." You laughed, completely forgetting about the incident as you pulled up to the main doors of the Hilton.

A man greeted you at the doors with a large smile which you reciprocated before checking in at the front desk and taking your bags up, leaving the valet to park your car. As you waited for the elevator to open, you heard a man and the valet arguing. You couldn't help but to look over your shoulder and watch the scene unfold. "No, you're not touching my baby." The valet argued back, but the man was unrelenting. "Even over my dead body, you won't touch this car."

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