Sam x Reader//Sanity and Stars

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Song of choice: Wild  Heart- SPELLES

Imagine: being pulled out of hell after being kidnapped and killed and not being able to trust the Winchesters because they had tortured you. However during a panic attack, Sam gets through to you.

Requested by EnderLox_Sama

Three weeks. It had been three weeks since you were pulled from the soul destroying place called hell. Three weeks since the best people in your life had last tortured you; three weeks, and now your life was as normal as it could ever be.

You were lying in your bed, eyes open and staring up at the phosphorescent stars that littered your plain ceiling. Their bright glowing had died down and they were now lightly shimmering, the life that they had dwindling away like yours already had. You couldn't sleep; thoughts and nightmares and fears had plagued your mind making it impossible for you to exist in the world of dreams. No longer did you wish for sleep. All you felt was impending terror when your body shut down after not being able to take being awake anymore.

Sam and Dean tortured your mind as they hurt you. Their eyes were black and their faces covered with evil smirks as they made you scream out in pain. But then you would wake up screaming with them holding you close. You would push them away before running out of the bunker and into the night for some serene company. It wasn't their fault that the demons knew your weaknesses; no, it wasn't even close to being their fault.

It was you fault for letting them get past your dams that held back your mind. Now the boys suffered with you, watching how you fell apart with cracks forming every second until you would finally break. So there you lay, mind wide awake but body shutting down. There you lay with your head in the deep pits of hell and your soul forever lost in purgatory.

Bags formed under your eyes and your irises were clouded with weariness. Your body was too exhausted to get up and get a cup of coffee even though that coffee would only make your mind wander more into the darkness. Tears started slipping from your eyes as flashes of hell scoured your mind, determined to rip out what was left of a hunter.

Soon your tears were accompanied with sobs and those sobs accompanied with labored breathing until you couldn't get control. Your vision blanched as you tried to breathe. The door opened to the room, a face of worry accompanying it. Sam rushed to your side, having heard your cries from his room, hugging you and rubbing your back.

"It's alright Y/N, It's alright. I've got you, your safe now." You struggled to get away from him, your lungs aching and crying out for air that you thought you needed but you didn't. Sam didn't let go of you; he never would again. You were the reason that he hadn't given up. You were there when no one else was, so he was there for you when all you could see were your demons.

"Sam, don't leave me." You whispered as your breathing slowed down and your struggle lessened. All he did was hug you closer to him, closing his eyes and kissing the top of your head. "They hurt me Sam; they hurt me while looking like you and I couldn't take it anymore. It was too much, Sam. It was too much..."

"You're safe now darling. I've got you and I'm not going to let them hurt you ever again." Sam's heart was breaking as he heard the heartache and pain in your words. He could've saved you; he could've been the one to be taken and not you. You wouldn't accept that though. You gave up your life so they could live.

You gave up your sanity and soul for the Winchesters. They would never forgive you but forever be in your debt. Now all they could do was comfort you, but even you wouldn't let that happen except for now because your mind was too cracked and your vision to clouded to fight him off.

"Don't let them..."

"I won't Y/N, I won't again. You're safe, I've got you, It'll all be okay now." Sam's voice cracked along with his words, tears forming in his brown eyes and a few escaping down his cheeks and into your hair. He wasn't going to let them hurt you.

He'd rather never come back than see you in pain.

I've been dying to write something angsty so here you go. Drown in all the angst of these 780 words. At least I think that's how many there is. Whatever.

stay thirsty my memes,

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