Dean x Reader//You Don't Own Me

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Song of choice: You Don't Own Me- Grace (G- Eazy)

Imagine: the reader is an enemy of the Winchesters. You died and ended up being cursed. You have to possess someone to stay alive, so you decide to possess Dean Winchester and force him to help you.

Requested by arcticjughead

5/27/14 5:00pm Superior, Nebraska

"Winchesters." You muttered, a sneer forming on your lips as you twirled a butterfly knife. Dean narrowed his eyes and clutched his hands on his gun as Sam drew his out and pointed it at you.

"Y/N Y/L/N." The Winchesters spoke in unison as they watched you with caution. You chuckled and pulled yourself up on the rusted counter of an empty, abandoned building.

"The last time I saw you two, I had taken your precious little dog, Castiel." You stated, running your fingers along the blade of your knife. "How is he, by the way? I heard he's been having a bit of trouble lately." Dean growled softly and took a menacing step forward, causing you to raise an eyebrow. "What is it, Dean-y boy? Did I upset you?"

"You'll be lucky if you get out of this alive, Y/N." He hissed angrily. "Because Sammy and I have been waiting for this moment for a long time." You glanced over to Sam who looked slightly hesitant, but malicious otherwise. With a tilt of your head, you jumped down from the counter and shrugged off your jacket, placing it carefully on the back of a bar stool.

"Then let's get to it, boys. I have a lot I need to do." You smirked and pulled out another butterfly knife. "I'm a busy gal/guy. I'm sure you already know that, though." Dean charged at you which you easily dodged with just a small movement. Sam came next, hesitant and scared as you had seen him to be. You quickly landed a punch on his jaw and pushed him back into a cabinet. His body smashed the glass as it fell into the broken cabinet, which then fell on top of him.

Dean then came from behind, wrapping his arms around your throat. You dropped one of your knives and pulled your hands up to grab onto his in an attempt to loosen his grip. In a few seconds of thought, you sliced his arm with your blade. The eldest Winchester let you go, giving you time to push him to the ground and place your foot atop his chest. he glared angrily at you whilst you just smile.

"I thought you said you'd been waiting for this. What, have you been waiting for failure?" With that, you took your foot up and pushed it down onto his chest, audible cracks signifying you broke his ribs. You smirked, eyes flickering black as you grabbed your jacket and left the building. Outside in your car you took the gasoline tank out of the trunk and sliced it open with your knife before throwing it into the building. You lit your lighter and threw it into the building, walking away as it went up into flames.

"That's what you deserve, Winchesters." You growled as you slammed your car door shut and drove away, every once and a while glancing at the picture of a happy family tucked away behind your wheel.

Present 3:00pm Lebanon, Kansas

"Oh shut it." You whispered, your voice echoing softly in the room with a ghostly appearance. The girl in front of you screamed once again before you opened her mouth and inhabited her, taking her body as your own suit. You stood up and cracked your neck before turning towards a mirror with a blank expression. She would have to do, but she wasn't you. All you wanted was to be you again, except without the burns and your saddened heart.

You shook your head and opened the front door, leaving the house as you began your trek to the Winchesters' bunker. As you walked, you closed your eyes and imagined your family, smiling and waiting for you to come home. However, you couldn't come home; not without the Winchesters. They were the only ones who could reunite you with your family, even though you knew you didn't deserve it.

Present 3;10pm Lebanon, Kansas The Men Of Letters Bunker

"So get this." Sam muttered, starting his rambling of the new information he had found. "I think it's a werewolf. You ready to head to Boston?" Dean shrugged as he read the newspaper he had picked up. It was featuring news stories from a year ago, and one couldn't help but to make Dean choke on his pie. "What is it?" Sam queried, concerned for his brother.

"Y/N died." Dean rasped, clearing his throat. The youngest Winchester furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head, coming to stand behind Dean.

"They probably just faked it, Dean. You know how they are."

"I didn't fake my own death, Winchesters. That's the one thing I won't do." Both brothers whirled around, guns in hand as they saw an unfamiliar girl standing near the open, bunker door. "Surprise, Winchesters; I'm back." You stated weakly, throwing up your hands in depressing jazz hands. As you shuffled down the stairs and closer to the Winchesters, you came across a hidden devil's trap. You huffed and stepped through it, showing the brothers that you were no longer a demon.

"I need your help, even though I definitely don't deserve it." You chuckled dryly as you came to a stop in front of the Winchesters. Dean had his gun pointed at you. Sam had already put his away as he saw your broken stature.

"Damn right you don't deserve it. Why would we help you?" Dean snarled with a fire in his eyes. "You tried to set us on fire, remember?" You looked down at your feet and nodded.

"I know," you whispered, your voice cracking, "and I'm glad you guys got out. I wouldn't want anyone to have to go through the pain of burning alive." You glanced back up at the boys who were starting to show more confusion than hatred. With a sigh, you carefully stepped out of the girl and snapped your fingers, causing her to disappear back into her home without any knowledge of what happened. Sam let out a gasp as Dean's jaw dropped at the sight of your burned body. "I really want to go home." Your voice cracked once again with emotion as you tried your hardest to keep the tears at bay.

"Why should we help you?" Dean questioned once again, quieter this time. You shrugged.

"I don't know." Sam glared at Dean and pulled him aside. You stared at the floor once again, shuffling your barefoot feet as they talked.

"Dean, I know they did some terrible things, but I think we should help them." Sam hushed, observing Dean for any hint of anger. His brother sighed and ran a hand through his hair before turning around to look at you.

"I'm not helping you." You nodded and gave him a small smile.

"This calls for desperate measures then." You mumbled before stepping into Dean's body and pushing him to the back. Sam dropped his jaw as he saw his brother's emotions change to that of heartbreak. "I just want to go home Sam." You whispered, voice gruff as it was taken over by Dean's sound.

"Okay, okay!" Sam exclaimed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Just get out of... Dean." He winced at the way he worded that, but nonetheless, you nodded and gave back the eldest Winchester his control. "We'll get you home, Y/N." You nodded solemnly and smiled gingerly.

"Thank you."

I hope this is decent! I decided to do a bit of a thing with the dates and stuff. Hopefully it's cool. Anyways, time for a little sad rant that you guys can totally ignore because I'm just being a sad gal right now.

Summer holiday just started yesterday and I already feel so terribly sad??? I don't have a regular schedule anymore, I don't have any homework to block out my depressing thoughts. Also, I know that since holiday has started, all my friends will leave. It always happens; only four friends have stayed with me for the past few years, and then again, I feel like we're not as close anymore because we all go to different schools.
Most of my friends are hanging out with people now that summer has started, and it makes me feel crappy because only one person invited me to something. I know that should be enough, but it's not. I have a habit of thinking people hate me?? And what makes this all worse is that some of my friends are already ignoring me.

So yeah, that's what is going on in my sad, sad, life right now. Thanks for reading if you did.

stay thirsty my memes,

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