Dean x Reader//Amnesia

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"I can't believe you!" You screamed at Dean with tears streaming down your face. He drunkenly turned to you and took another sip from his beer. "Why?"

"Because you don't wanna do the action babe. "You're not ready for it." As you always say. So I got bored and did her." He stated in a bored tone.

"I'm done Dean." You whispered brokenly. "I'm so done." You turned around to your room and packed up all your stuff, then headed out the door.

After getting in your 1967 mustang, you shut the door and headed off to your new life.

"I wish that I could wake up with amnesia, and forget about the stupid little things." You sang softly in tune with the radio.

"Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you. And the memories I never can escape, cause I'm not fine at all." A few tears slipped from your e/c eyes, and you whimpered.

"No I'm really not fine at all." You didn't notice the headlights coming up in your lane, you were to busy reminiscing your memories.

"Tell me this is just a dream." You cried, not noticing the semi truck coming towards your car.

"Cause I'm really not fine at all..." The semi collided with your mustang, crushing the front of your car and pushing you off the road. Your car rolled once, twice, you lost count.

You released an ear splitting scream as you crashed into a tree, your head hitting the window and you blacked out.


Ring, ring. I picked up my phone and muted the tv.

"Hello?" I asked and took another sip of my beer. Ever since y/n left a few days ago I've been moping around and drinking beer. I've never messed up so badly in my whole life.

"Is this Dean Winchester?" I made a sound of confirmation as she continued on. "I am Gizelle Parks, and I work at Kansas State Hospital. We have a patient who's last contact was you. Her name is y/n l/n."

I straightened up as my eyes widened in fear. "Is she okay? What happened?" I queried in a state of panic.

"She is fine, and a semi headed straight on to her car." Gizelle replied. I hung up and grabbed my jacket, already on my way to the hospital.
I ran in through the revolving doors and went straight towards the desk. "What room is y/n l/n in?" I demanded in a stern tone.

The woman visibly gulped and looked towards her computer. "Um, she's in room 188 but sir only family can go in!" She called after me as I headed towards the elevator.

"I'm her husband!" I lied. She probably wouldn't say yes to the ring now that I cheated on her. The elevator dinged and I got in, pressing the floor button. After a few seconds of heavy silence they opened back up and I started looking for room 188.

The door creaked as I opened it, but once I saw her my heart got demolished. Bruises covered her body, and she had a cast on her left arm and a neck brace. A bloodied bandage covered her forehead.

I went to her side and grabbed her unhurt hand, and looked at her. "Y/n?" I whispered brokenly, only to be greeted with silence. I sighed and laid my head down on her bed, and closed my eyes.

Second Person

You opened your eyes slowly, as you had just awoken to a beeping sound. Blinking so you could get used to the light, you looked around. You were in a hospital, as far as you could tell.

You looked to your right and noticed the face of a sleeping man, making you scream. He jumped up and looked at you. His eyes brightened in happiness as he looked down at you.

"Y/n?" He said, obviously not knowing what else to say. You furrowed your eyebrows as you looked at him.

"Who are you?" You queried, and his smile left in replace for a frown. Apparently the wrong thing to say.

Hey guys! How are y'all doing? I'm doing great, besides for not having gone to school in two months! I'm gonna be so behind *soft weeping* anyways, I'm not sure if I should do a second part for this, but it's up to you guys.

stay thirsty my friends,

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