Sam x Reader//White Freaky Freaks

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Song of choice: From Finner- Of Monsters And Men

Imagine: the Winchesters are gifted your help on a hunt from the very beautiful Castiel. Sam gathers a crush on you and after a while of you hanging around Team Free Will, he asks you out.

Requested by slpanda

"Okay, I think I've got this now." You stated, blowing out a gust of air as you eyed your angel friend. "You- Castiel- are asking me- Y/N Y/L/N- to help your friends- the Winchesters- on a case?" Cas nodded, causing his trench coat to shake slightly. "You're friends with the Winchesters? The Winchesters?" He nodded his head once again with a sigh.

"We've already been over this, Y/N." The trench coat wearing angel replied, close to banging his head on the wall behind them. You smiled and pat him on the head.

"I know! I just like pushing your buttons." You giggled and picked up a demon knife and a lighter from the bag on the table behind him. "Now, where are your friends? I'm ready to whoop some wendigo a-" Within a flutter of wings, you and Castiel were standing in a darkened forest shrouded by the limited light from the moon and stars. "I forgot you could do that." Castiel glanced over at you before letting an angel blade fall into the palm of his hand.

"Dean and Sam have been captured by the wendigos." He affirmed, beginning to trek through the forest. You hesitantly followed after him with a nervous laugh.

"You do know you just said wendigos, as in plural, right?" Fell out of your lips as you hurried to catch up with him. Quickly you turned on your phone light as you nearly tripped over a log and grabbed onto the angel's trench coat to steady you.


"Don't you be curt with me, Castiel." You muttered. "I can't take out two wendigos. I'm a talented hunter, but I'm not Asa Fox talented." The angel stopped and turned toward you.

"They need your help." He claimed once again, blandly. "I cannot fight two wendigos by myself, but with you, we can." You groaned and threw your head back.

"I'm the worst at fighting wendigos, Cas! You know me. The last time I did, I got someone killed." You whispered, looking down at the ground.

"That was not your fault." You glanced up at your friend who was staring at you intensely. A small smile lit up your lips as you shrugged. Suddenly, a crack took your attention. You shifted your gaze to behind you where you heard the stick break. A white creature zoomed through the bushes before coming out and attacking you two. You let out a little squeal before plunging out your knife and swiping at air. Then it was gone.

"Let's just go get your friends." Cas nodded and the two of you started hiking in silence, listening for the sounds of any mischievous creepy crawly out to get you. "Do you know where the Winchesters are?" You queried after a while, kicking a rock accidentally. Your friend quietly nodded and turned, pointing towards the slightly hidden entrance of a natural cave.

"They are in there." He stated. You raised any eyebrow and pulled your lighter out of the pocket you hastily shoved it in. 

"Why couldn't you just zap us into the cave?" Your foot dug into the ground next to it as you questioned him.

"I cannot travel directly into caves." You snorted at his reply and started walking into the cave.

"That hasn't stopped you before." With an observant gaze, you watched the old cave be lit up by your phone. "This place is pretty creepy." You muttered as you followed Castiel to where the Winchesters where.  After a little while, the two of you came to a large cavern where the Winchesters were, hung up by ropes at the ankles with other bodies of the dead. "Yikes." You hissed as you climbed up on a boulder to help the unconscious boys down.

"Wakey wakey, eggs and bacon!!" You patted Sam's- Cas showed you pictures all the time of the two- cheek gaining a groan and opened eyes from him. "Ah, sleeping beauty's awake! Lovely. Let's get you down." As you worked on untying Sam, Castiel was bringing Dean down. Once the two were down and awake, you smiled brightly and held out your hand. "Hi, I'm Y/N. This guy," you pointed toward the angel, "has told me a lot about you two." 

"Uh, nice to meet you too. I'm Sam." He introduced in a quiet, confused voice. Dean nodded and shook your hand as well before picking up their bag of weapons. 

"We should probably get going." He stated in a gruff voice. You watched as he turned on a flashlight.

"We can't leave yet." You exclaimed, watching him raise an eyebrow. "We still have to kill the ugly things!" With that, you heard a noise and gulped. "I don't think they liked that." Two wendigos slithered into the room, long, spindly limbs moving supernaturally. "Did I wake thy beast?" You roared, throwing your lighter at one of them. It burst into flames as you looked at the Winchesters with a shrug. "The next one's yours; that was my only lighter." The wendigo charged at the four of you, causing you to squeal and blindly slash your knife out. A screech caused your eyes to widen as you saw that you injured the beast.

"Cas, look at it! I did that! Who's the new Asa now, bi-" Another screech cut you off as the white freaky thing caught fire and dissolved into ashes. "Now that's what I call a good hunt." You stated proudly, reaching out your hand to Cas so he could zap the four of you away. He brought you to a car hidden under some carefully placed branches as to not scratch the paint. "Nice." You muttered, taking a few glances at the car.

"Thanks for helping us, Y/N." Sam smiled shyly as his hand rubbed the back of his neck. You nodded with a welcoming smile his way.

"No problem! I'd do anything for this little fluff." You giggled and pointed toward Castiel who was conversing quite intently with Dean. "It was nice to meet you Sam." You voiced softly, cheeks growing red at how ginger your voice was. 

"It was nice to meet you too. Hopefully we'll see each other again?"

"Hopefully." You guys did meet again, multiple times throughout the next couple of weeks. Whether through hunts or through Castiel dragging you somewhere, you didn't go two days without seeing Sam. This deemed to be a problem as Sam fell quieter each day you met until he was a bumbling mess.

"Sam, you just need to ask her already." Dean stated through a mouthful of pie. He barely swallowed before shoving more down his throat with a gleeful sigh. "Ah, pie. Anyways, just ask her out! I'm sure she likes you back."

"Fine," Sam muttered as his toast popped out of the toaster, "the next time we see her." With that, he left the kitchen and hid himself in lore books. Dean put on a smirk and took out his phone, dialing a familiar number.

"Hey Cas, I need a favor. Could you bring Y/N over?" In seconds you and Cas were standing in front of a smug Dean. You looked confused as you observed your surroundings.

"Why did you just use your angel voodoo to shoo me somewhere? I wasn't planning on going on a vacation to Winchester land." You breathed out.

"Kid, Sam's got something to say to you." Dean completely ignored your rambling, as did Cas. He started to lead you to where Sam usually went to sulk: the library. "Sam, you said you would ask her the next time you saw her." Sam's eyes widened as he saw Dean with his hands on your shoulders, pushing you forward. "Have fun kids." Dean winked at his brother before heading back to the kitchen where Castiel was waiting.

"Uh, hi Sam." You blushed brightly and shuffled in the spot you were standing. Sam waved awkwardly as he stood up and walked over to you. "So," you said as he stood right in front of you, "Dean said you have something to ask me?" Sam nodded and cleared his throat.

"Would you, uh, like to go on a, urm, date? With me?" He choked out. Your eyes widened as you stayed quiet just to watch him squirm.

"I'd love to, Sam." You answered after a while, deciding you didn't need to put him through that kind of silence anymore. He let out a relieved sigh and took your hands. You raised an eyebrow and grinned. "How about a triple date with those white freaky freaks from that one forest that reminded me of Until Dawn?" Sam just looked confused.

So, this happened. This was reallyyyyyy fun to write! Hopefully there's not too many mistakes. I may or may not have had too many allergy medications today which made my brain kind of fuzzy? You can't blame a girl who's allergic to the fricking planet. Anyways, I hope you like it!!!

stay thirsty my memes,

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