John Winchester x Reader//Princess in Shining Armor

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Song of choice: Heaven- Warrant

Imagine: being John's spouse and saving him on a wendigo case causing little Sam and Dean to tease him about it

Requested by spocklock

a/n: I've never written John before so I'm sorry if his personality seems a bit off. Also Dean and Sam are 10 and 4 in this.

"I'm sorry to ask you of this Y/N," John panted into the phone as you sat in worry, "but I need a little help on this hunt." You barked out a short laugh and rolled your eyes as your concern faded away, standing up to pack a bag. "Hey! Don't laugh at me sweetheart or else you'll get no loving."

"Who thinks I want your loving in the first place doll?" John chuckled quietly before static took over the phone. "John? John!" You hurried up your movements as you knew your boyfriend was in danger; he wouldn't hang up like that. Once your bag was swung over your shoulder you went into the main room where the boys were at. "Hey little ones, I've got to go save your dad's ass so here's some money for room service." you shelled out ten bucks before kissing them on their foreheads and bidding them goodbye.

The motel door shut behind you with a click as you rushed over to your crappy Sedan that you were too lazy to sell for a new one. Swiftly your bag landed off your shoulder and into the passenger seat so you were able to start her up. "Come on." You muttered. After a few minutes the old car started up and let you speed down the highway into the forest where you knew John would be.

Worry was all you felt on your way there; it sank into the bottom of your gut and screamed loud causing your foot to press the gas pedal to the floor. You knew you shouldn't have let John go off on his own for this hunt, but he swore that this was the thing that killed Mary. It very well could be so you knew his reasoning for going alone, yet it was still an idiotic idea. You arrived at the state park entrance and parked your car, turning it off and grabbing your bag to start your trek into the forest.

It wasn't long before you found traces of John; his watch, a ripped bag, and a gun with silver bullets. He didn't know what he was hunting so he ended up bringing every weapon he could think of. However these rips were similar to a wendigo's claws, so you knew that he had tracked the wrong beast. This thing couldn't have killed his wife; there was no evidence that a wendigo did it.

You sighed and shook your head, dropping down to pick up the watch that Mary had given them on their one year anniversary. For a second you contemplated throwing it to the trees but quickly rid of that thought. Yes, you were still jealous of the women who gave birth to his children and loved him so dearly; he still loved her more than he loved you. You knew that your place in his heart was always second, however you still stayed with him. You loved him and the boys. Who cares if Mary would always be first? At least there was still a place in his heart for you.

Through your contemplation you had reached a cave with small drops of blood at the entrance, leading a trail into the dark abyss. You took in a deep breath and got out a lighter and a .22 pistol. The cave was quiet except for the sound of your hushed breaths and what you could only think of as John's labored breathing. It was serenely terrifying and you knew that you weren't safe; a wendigo was hiding in the shadows, waiting for someone to strike. A screech caused you to turn around and shoot at a tall figure.

The thing disappeared in a blink which made you wipe the straggling strands of hair out of your face. You continued to walk, your pace faster than before, until you made it to an opening where John and two other corpses hung from ropes.

"John." You hissed, climbing as high as you could so you could reach the rope. He groaned and opened his tired eyes to look at you. John gave you a tight smile as you cut him down.

"Thanks sweetheart." He muttered as he stood up from landing on his knees. You nodded and pecked his bloodied cheek, tasting metal on your lips.

"The wendigo's still out there; before we leave we have to end it." You whispered back, handing him the lighter you had in your hand. "I'll do the shooting, you do the burning." John nodded as a hard emotion turned his eyes and face cold. The screech sounded again behind you. With a swivel you hit the monster and gave John enough time to burn it before the two of you ran out of there.

The door to the motel clicked open causing the boys to look up in interest and caution. Both their faces were stuffed with pizza which made their wide grins at the two of you even goofier. Sam quickly swallowed his bite and ran up to you with his arms stretched out wide.

"Hey little bear." You cooed, picking him up and hugging him tight. Dean snickered, an amused look appearing on his facial features. You and John stared questioningly at him as you put Sam down. Dean laughed louder as he glanced at his dad.

"You had to be rescued by your girlfriend." There was a moment of silence before you burst out laughing, Sam and Dean bursting into fits of giggles as their dad chuckled lightly. John let the laughter die down before he spoke.

"I guess I did, didn't I?" He voiced with a hint of entertainment in his tone. "Looks like I'm no longer the man of the house; she is." You giggled, twinkles lighting up in your eyes as he watched you lovingly. Usually John was hard on the two boys, but when you were around, he was as sweet as could be.

Guess he just needed a princess in shining armor.

MERRY CRIMBO EVERYONE!!!! Or at least to those who celebrate it. Here's a cute little John one where he's not an asshole to his children.

A little PSA: the next few updates are going to be Dean ones as I've gotten a few requests for him, so be prepared for the next few weeks to be a montage of that sexy man.

Anyways, what's one thing that you got for Christmas?

I got a Polaroid camera and have already run through the first roll of film. Oops!

stay thirsty my memes,

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