Winchesters x Sister!Reader//Scary Places

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Song of choice: Bloodstream- Ed Sheeran

Imagine: you getting hurt on your way home from work and your brothers declare revenge.

Requested by mountainhiker16

You glanced over your shoulder, letting out a shuddering breath as you hurried down the street, hands clutching your bag tightly. It didn't feel like you were alone; your neck was tingling with 'stranger danger'. With another glance behind you, a sigh escaped your mouth and you stopped walking.

"You're fine." Hushed out of your mouth as you closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around your torso. "Nothing is out of the ordinary."

"If that's what you think, sugar." You gasped and whipped around to see a man, not much older than you, wearing a malicious sneer. "Don't worry, sugar; I don't bite. Well, maybe I do a little." He sauntered toward you as you started to shuffle backwards at a quick speed. You nearly tripped over your own feet as you started running away from him. He caught your shoulder before you could get far and put a hand over your mouth.

"I don't need much, sugar. I just want whatever cash you have to give me. Nod if, when I let you go, you'll do exactly as I say." You nodded just to spite him, gaining a chuckle that caused your whole body to shiver to the bone. "Alright, hand over the money."

"Okay." You whispered, going to your pocket. He bit his lip as you glanced up to him, and before he could react, your fist connected with his face and your knee with his junk. He let out a strangled yelp as you booked it out of there.

He was running after you; the sound of footsteps was prominent in your ears. He was also getting closer. You risked a glance behind you and saw that he wasn't even a few feet away from you. Knowing what chances you'd have with running, you stopped and put up your fists, ready to punch him again.

"Oh you little aggravating thing!" He exclaimed, coming to a stop in front of you. Before you could react, his hand was around your throat and his other gripping your hip. You kicked and wiggled, but you couldn't get away. He tightened his grasp on your throat, causing you to gasp for air as your struggling went up to your hands. "You'll regret punching me, sugar." Movement out of the corner of your eye made you smirk, especially when your brother's bracelet glinted in the streetlights.

"No, you're going to regret laying a hand on me." You growled as he was pulled off of you. Dean's eyes were nearly black as he punched the guy over and over again, only stopping when Sam pulled away.

"Dean, he's unconscious; you don't need to punch him anymore." Dean shrugged and punched him once more before standing up and wrapping an arm around your shoulders.

"You alright, kid?" You nodded, throat to sore for you to talk. Your eldest brother glanced at Sam, who was phoning the police. "Sam, start walking; we've got to get her back to the bunker and put some ice on her neck." Sam nodded as he got off of the phone.

"How did you guys know where to find me?" You queried curiously as the three of you started to walk back to the bunker, both of them by your side. Sam held a guilty look whilst Dean looked smug, causing you to narrow your eyes. "You've been tracking me, haven't you?"

"I'm sorry, Y/N." Sam apologized, giving you his signature puppy eyes. "I just wanted to keep you safe. We both did." You shrugged and nodded, not actually that angry as the two saved your ass. "You're okay with it?"

"Well, I just nearly got mugged. So, yeah, I am." Dean made a noise signifying the sound of a bomb as he punched Sam's shoulder.

"I told you she wouldn't be mad if we did for a good reason." He gave Sam a cheeky grin who rolled his eyes in response. You chuckled and leaned your head into Dean's torso, him tightening his arm around you.

"I'm still not going to allow you to continue this unless you have a good reasoning, like I'm being stalked or something." Sam nodded and ruffled your hair, going over your head to speak to Dean.

"We're not turning off the chip." He whisper-yelled, obviously wanting you to hear him.

"Yeah," Dean responded, "I want to know if my sister's wrapping it up before letting them tap it." You threw your hands up, pushing them both away and crossing your arms. "What? I don't want any little Y/N's running around yet."

"Okay, that's enough!" You exclaimed as you glared at them. "You're my brothers, so you don't get a right to talk about my sex life." Dean's eyes widened.

"Wait, so you do have a sex life?" You sighed heavily and pushed him into a big puddle on the street, sufficiently getting him soaked with muddy rain water.

"We're just watching out for- hey, you didn't need to push me also!" You smirked and wiped your hands, as if you were dusting away dirt.

"Yes I did."

This song doesn't really go with the imagine, but I just wanted an excuse to listen to ed sheeran more. Also I'm unusually happy?? I'm waiting for the dark hole to grab me again and I honestly don't like this tense feeling. I'll probably break down tomorrow. Oh well.

(Also this was written on May 9th, as were the last few imagines because I was in a roll then. So the feelings I just shared are probably already gone and I'm probably fine.)

stay thirsty my memes,

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