Sam x Reader//Angels

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Song of Choice: Angels- Khalid

Imagine: the beginning.

If you want to listen to the audio reading:

A dance. It started with a dance. Spinning around the floor, eyes awkwardly glaring into each other's as you both knew there were better places you could be than in a stranger's arms. But, here you were, egged on by your friends who were friends with each other, until you finally agreed. A dance. A dance, and to Angels by Khalid. The slowest, possibly saddest, song you had ever heard in your life, besides for the Titanic song that everyone seemed to hate so goddamned much. Yet still, here you were, slow dancing with the tallest guy you had ever seen that doesn't and has never played basketball. What a coincidence. Neither have you.

"So, you want to call a quits the second the next song comes on?" He kind of just stared at you and blinked, as if he couldn't process your question. "You in there, buddy?" He blinked again. Funny, you didn't even ask for his name.

"Yeah, sorry. I think it's a good idea to try." You nodded, hands and body beginning to sweat after such a long period of time of holding someone else. That you didn't know. Can't forget that detail. But, somehow, his arms felt safe. You had never been held by him before, yet it felt like home. Strange.

You turned your head, eyes befalling on the two friends who dragged you here. They were trying to hide their prying eyes behind empty wine glasses, but considering their tipsyness, it was a bit hard for them. You rolled your eyes and turned back to the man before you, his eyes following yours.

"Um, so, apparently those two drunken idiots know your one drunken idiot and other really literal friend? Do you know how?" The man before you shrugged, his shaggy brown hair falling into his eyes and sticking to his face. Sweaty. Like you.

"My brother tends to bunk whoever he can find. They probably met in a bar." You tilted your head and pursed your lips.

"Yeah, you're probably right." Once again, the two of you fell into an awkward silence. It was kind of hard not to when the two of you knew nothing about each other.

"So, uh, I just thought of this. But, I don't know your name." He stated, taking his hand from your shoulder and wiping it on his pants. "My name is Sam, Sam Winchester."

"I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you." You watched him as he watched you, waiting for the other to say something. Neither of you did, so instead, you laughed. "Hey, you want to ditch this party and go get ice cream somewhere? That sounds way better than this." He twirled you and pulled you off the dance floor.

"I think that's a good idea."

With a dance, everything started.


A smile. Not just a smile, but the smile. The thing that made him fall for you. Love. He felt it when he looked at you. In the beginning, your meeting was awkward, forced. But, he thinks his friends were up to something that night. Sure, Dean and Cas have made their plenty mistakes, but that night with you may have not been one.

"Sam, are you listening?" He had fallen in for a second, you noticed. Sam seemed to do that a lot; get trapped in his own mind, someone else having to dig him out. He blinked, reminding you of the night you met him, and then smiled.

"Yeah, sorry, just blanked out for a little. Repeat what you were saying?" He said it more like a question, giving you the option to just drop it. But, you didn't want to.

"It's all right! I was just thinking; what if we adopted a dog? I know you're on the road a lot, but I think it would be good. Dogs are great! Perfect companions." Sam stooped in thought once again. Except this time, it was after what you said, not just what popped into his random little head.

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