High School!Sam x Reader//Hello Again

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Song of choice: Old School Love- Megan and Liz

Imagine: meeting back up with your old friend and first love, Sam Winchester.

You remembered that moment when you had to move from that high school. There were tears, the first tears over someone in a while. You lost your best friend and first love, Sam Winchester. Yes, you had exchanged phone numbers. However you had to dump your phone weeks letter, giving Sam no notice.

You haven't heard from him in years; ten years to be exact. Even with how long it has been since you last talked with him, you never forgot about Sam. He was the first person to make you comfortable in your first year of high school. Actually, he was the only person to help you. Maybe that's why he still had an impression in your mind.

Sam was the best lover and friend you've ever had. You still haven't changed your mind throughout all these years.

"Agent L/N? Did you hear what I said?" You snapped out of your reverie and looked towards the agent who looked exactly like Sam. You quickly nodded and smiled softly at him, taking a look at the house and sighing. It seemed another team of FBI agents had gotten to the scene before you. What you decided to take no notice of was that their last names were of two members from AC/DC and that their badges were not updated.

Hunters by the looks of it.

"You need to update your badges if you want to get by as the FBI." You whispered in their ears when you passed them. You chuckled as you felt their eyes on you before sobering up and going to ask the witness questions. If hunters are here it's most likely a supernatural case and not just a crazed human.

That means you weren't needed as you hadn't hunted in years. You smiled at the witness and turned around, having gotten the answers you needed. The two hunters were looking at you incredulously causing you to wink at them. You looked towards your team and the sheriff's team and clapped, gaining their attention.

"Alright, y'all can head back home or to work now. I can take care of the rest." You stated, your team following orders and leaving. The sheriff's people however looked at you, unsure if to follow your orders.

"C'mon, she works better by herself." One of your agents spoke up, leading the three police officers towards the cars. You smiled and headed back into the house which had been taped off. The body was already off to the morgue as you had gotten everything you could from it here.

"Y-you're a hunter?" You heard from behind you, causing you to stand from where you had been crouched, squinting at a blood stain. The two agents- well, hunters- were looking at you curiously. You shrugged before taking another walk around the room.

"The victim wasn't murdered here." You thought out loud, completely forgetting the two "agents." You took another look at the few blood stains by where the body had been laid. (Get your dirty minds out of the gutter mates. Or maybe it's just me with the dirty mind.)

"There's too little of blood for such a gruesome crime." You pulled on a latex glove and dipped your finger in the blood, bringing your finger closer to your eyes so you could get a better look at it. Of course you wouldn't be able to find much as you had no equipment with you, but you weren't about to let that ruin your mojo.

"So you're a hunter?" One of the "agents" questioned you again causing you to let out an aggravated sigh. You smiled tightly at them, pulling at your glove and letting go effecting it to make a snap sound.

"Look," you started off, "there was nothing on the body to show that this is a case of the paranormal. So if you wouldn't mind, I need you to leave so I can get my work done." You turned back away from them and scanned the room again before pausing. "And yes, I am a hunter. Well, I used to be."

"I'm Sam Winchester, and that's my brother Dean." The taller one spoke making you freeze up. Sam. "Are you alright?" He queried worriedly. You spun around quickly, startling them before sighing.

"Yes, I've heard of the both of you. Now leave." You were thrilled to see the Winchesters once again, but you had evidence to sift through and a murderer to catch. Once again you gave them a tight knit smile before turning around.

"Wait..." Sounded out behind you so you turned around once again. "Y/N?" Sam spoke, confusion lacing his voice. You tilted your head to the side and nodded. "Do you remember me?"

"Of course I do Sam. But I have work to do, so perhaps this isn't the right time." You stated, before seeing a glimmer in his eyes. "How about we go out for a cup of joe later?"

"I'd like that." Sam smiled at you before walking away with his brother, leaving you to a room baring sadness and a whole lot of evidence.
The diner bell rang softly as you walked through the front door, smiling at the girl working the cash register. You sat down at a booth and ordered coffee, taking out your laptop at the same time. You hoped the Winchesters would show here, but you doubted it. There were plenty of other restaurants in this town. You would call them, but it seemed you forgot to get their numbers. With a sigh you opened your laptop and went to work on your portfolio of the case.

The case you were on earlier today was easy. The bastard who did this left his fingerprints all over the place. Now this girl's family can rest in peace knowing justice has been brought to their little girl. The bell to the door rung again causing you to look up and smile once you saw that the Winchesters had entered. Sam looked around as if he was looking for someone. You found out he was when his gaze stopped on you and he smiled.

"Hey." He greeted once he came closer to your table. You gave him a nod and a smile before saving your work and shutting your laptop off, closing the lid. Sam sat down opposite to you and smiled nervously. "It's really great to see you Y/N." You chuckled softly and took a sip of the coffee the waitress had dropped off only moments before.

"It's lovely to see you too Sam." You replied, the start of a happy conversation. You talked until the owner of the diner had to kick you two out as it was closing time. That didn't end your conversing though as you both continued catching up on a walk outside. After a while Sam stopped you, grabbing your hands and encasing them in his.

"I still have feelings for you." He stated quietly, looking down with a small smile. "You probably  don't anymore though and that's okay." Sam looked up at you, his chocolate eyes twinkling with emotion. "Do you still have feelings for me?" You chuckled and put your lips against his, silencing him. You pulled away from the gentle kiss and smiled at him.

"That answer your question?"

Okay, so this turned out a bit more boring then I thought it would, but oh well. Also a little announcement: I'm gonna be going through all my imagines and either rewriting or spell checking them. So I hope y'all have fun getting a BILLION notifications from that. :)

I'm going to a little surprise party in a few moments so maybe that's why this is a bit rushed cause I want to get there before the recipient gets there? I dunno.

But I also don't wanna go because a, I hate being around people and b, I've almost fainted like twice today. Oops.


See ya later gators,

(Yes I am sticking with see ya later gators now)

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