Dean x Reader//Sniffles

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Song of choice: My Love, I Love You So- Tessa Violet

Imagine: Dean taking care of you when you're sick

a/n: I'm updating early cause I'm sick and bored, but I will still update on Saturday because I have a request to get up.

You sat on the couch with a box of tissues next to your side and a reality tv show showing on the screen before you. Your body ached and your nose was stuffed; you were dying. Not literally, but you felt like you were. Taking another tissue you blew your nose, completely ignoring the door opening to the bunker.

"Honey we're home!" Two voices called in unison from the top of the stairs. You looked up at the Winchesters with a fierce glare, hugging your blanket closer to your body. They both portrayed a look of confusion. What had they done to upset you?

"You are both so loud and I have a headache so shut up before I castrate you and make it look like a murder suicide." You growled out, picking up an empty box of tissues and throwing it at them. The box made it nowhere near the boys which made the brothers chuckle. You continued glaring as they made their way down the stairs, Sam going to his room and Dean coming towards you.

"Do you want me to make you some soup, sweetheart?" Dean queried softly, bending down to kiss your forehead. You closed your eyes and nodded. His footsteps faded away making you open your eyes and glance back to where the kitchen was. You chuckled softly as you saw him dancing around the kitchen, humming what could only be classic rock as he made you food that would always make you feel better during the bad, sick days. With a shake of your head and a glowing look in your eyes, you picked up the remote and flipped through the channels before settling on the best show in the world to Dean's eyes: Dr. Sexy MD.

"Is that Dr. Sexy?" Dean yells from the kitchen, popping his head out to look at you. You nodded and he smirked before returning to your soup. A few minutes later he came out holding a bowl of your finished soup. "Your soup darling." Dean presented, handing off the hot bowl to you before plopping down next to you. "Best show ever." He mutters, taking a bite out of a piece of leftover pie. You looked over at him and smiled.

"I love you Dean." You chirped, your voice sounding nasally because of your sickness. Dean laughs and pulls you close to him, careful of the hot liquid you're holding. He gave you a wet kiss on your neck making you squeal and giggle loudly.

"I love you too darling." He replied as you nuzzled your head into his neck. Dean's love was too strong to care if he got sick; he wouldn't stay away from you. So he kissed you on the lips.

"You're going to get sick you idiot!" Fell out as you pulled away from him. He just raised an eyebrow and pulled you back under.

"Any sickness is worth being able to kiss you."

He would be regretting that a few days later.

The imagines I've been writing lately have been short, I know. But for some things I can just get out my words easier. So I wrote this cause I'm sick and craving some loooooove.

And I know a few of you are sick too and probably craving some Dean as well, so this is for you also.

stay thirsty my memes,

(not spell checked cause I'm too lazy for that shiz)

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