Sam x Reader//Heal

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Song of choice: Better- Holly Henry

Imagine: the reader is really self conscious about their appearance and hunting skills. One day they get hurt on a hunt and their insecurities come to light.

Requested by rleckm4725

It was quiet; the only thing you could hear was your heavy breathing as you stared at the ceiling and ignored the dried tears on your cheeks. Everything was just hitting you at once and you couldn't stop the tidal wave from slamming you to the ground, dragging you to the ocean floor like a porcelain doll. It was all too overwhelming. Your mind was in overdrive from lack of sleep and from slight insanity. With a soft sniffle, you sat up and rubbed at your cheeks and eyes, attempting to get rid of the remnants of your breakdown. 

No one would see you as it was two am, yet you couldn't help but fear peering eyes and nosy words. So, you walked to your bathroom and stared at your puffy eyes and your glistening irises. Your eyes strayed down your body, picking apart every little detail before you decided to turn around and hide from the constant nagging of your conscious. You just needed to sleep. There was a hunt tomorrow and you couldn't mess up.

If you did, you'd feel even worse.

Time went by slow, but soon it was ten in the morning and the boys were milling around, making sure they had everything for the hunt in front of them. "Are we all ready to go?" You queried, twirling a knife in your hands. Dean grunted out a yes and headed to the car, carrying a duffle bag full of weapons. You began to follow after him, but a hand on your shoulder stopped you. Sam had soft, questioning eyes and a small, comforting smile.

"Are you okay?" He inquired, eyes wide. You so badly wanted to tell him, yet you knew he wouldn't understand. So instead, you held in the tears that were trying to shed and nodded your head with a small smile faintly lighting up your features.

"I'm okay, Sam. You don't have to worry." Sam looked like he was going to hold onto the thread of conversation that was slipping out of his grasp, but instead he let it go. The fake happiness on your face was enough to make him ask later what was wrong. Maybe then you would tell him. Maybe after this was all over, you would trust him and open up because that was all he wanted.

"Hurry up! We don't have all day." With that, the two of you followed after Dean's irritated call, flocking to the Impala like a bunch of baby ducklings to their mother. Dean smirked a bit as the two of you buckled your seat belts. "Let's go hunt a big, bad wolf." You snorted at his line, causing him to wink at you in the rear view mirror and start the engine.

Luckily, the drive was only an hour, so you didn't have to deal with Dean's terrible singing and his queries of "what? I could rock a Beyonce concert, stop lying." When the car came to a stop, you nearly sprinted out of the car like a gazelle fleeing from a predator. Apparently you had some restraint as instead you opened the door calmly and quietly. "Here." You thanked Sam and took the loaded gun from him, flicking off the safety. As you watched the ground, the youngest Winchester watched you, observing your actions and facial expressions. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't read you. 

"No splitting up unless it's needed, got it?" Dean suddenly voiced, causing you and Sam to snap your eyes toward him. The two of you nodded in sync and proceeded to follow the eldest Winchester into the cute little cottage that housed three werewolves. You all were dead quiet, speaking in hand signals instead of using words. However silent your entrance was, the three of you were still caught by the clearing of a throat and a tall, black woman standing in front of you. She had a golden band wrapped around her arm with tribal makeup scattered across her face and body. The septum piercing she was rocking had diamonds whilst her rings were rose gold. She looked like a goddess had decided to come to Earth.

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